any indication whether HL2 will have leaning?


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
i haven't seen any info that would prove either way. anyone know
MMmm leaning is ok.. but only if its done right.. i dont want to just see a head poking around a corner and me getting shot.. the actual gun has to be around it :). But as to if we know or not.. nothing has been confirmed in that regard and my opinion is that it is probably not in.
no gordon, it doesn't matter. im just making this thread because i dont care about it. *sarcasm*

yeah i hate how ravenshield (rainbow6 game) has leaning. people have guns attached to their heads lol. but it can add a lot to a game if implemented properly. mohaa does it pretty well
i like leaning, in sof2, i lean often and i headshot those who lean often.
leaning is awful, i hope hl2 doesnt have it
i sent an email to gabe about it. well probably find out soon
Originally posted by Cheater
leaning increase realism. Get used to it, u will like it.

HL 1 wasnt realistic at all either, i think the gameplay of HL 2 will be arcade too, and imho, leaning is for campers or at least those are the ones that abuse it :bounce:
Originally posted by Cheater
leaning increase realism. Get used to it, u will like it.

Since when was Half-Life 2 aiming to be a simulation? What gave you the impression that they're trying to make the gameplay realistic? When's the last time you saw a gun that propels objects using its own gravity source in a gun store?
I doubt it. certainly we haven't seen it if so. And I'm not convinced we need it.

Call of Duty has fantastically done leaning incidently. If anyone cares. :eek:
Arghh I hate leaning, too many controls! If it did have leaning it shouldn't be allowed when moving.
it better not have leaning. If youve ever seen a MOHAA match all they do is lean bloody everywhere. It looks dumb and i know ill be unbinding it straight off if it does.

Although i think they want to keep to halfe life 1 in the very basicis so the core fanbase still loves it. My prediction = no leaning.
It wont have leaning in Single Player for sure , but HOPEFULLY CS2 does have leaning , and hopefully it doesnt take 20 unrealistic shots to kill someone anymore. Im basically hoping CS is a tad more realistic , kindof like DoD is now.
America's Army : Operations actually has a great leaning and aiming system.

You can only lean when not moving, and the leaning is very well modelled, although leaning helps you hide part of your body, you will expose yourself to enemy fire by leaning, just not as much. Quite a lot of your upper body will be visible, just like in real life, where you need the shoulder behind the rifle to aim/fire in a sensible way. The advantage of leaning is a slightly smaller target, so that people won't shoot you in the legs. I hate how you have to round a corner in CS just to take a peek, and one lucky guy lands a bullet, and you end up in slooow motion. Before you know it you are dead, while all you could do was struggle behind cover again soooo slow.

It is the same with aiming down the barrel/scope, only works when not moving.

So if leaning/aiming could be done like AAO (or mohaa minus the lean while run syndrome) I would be happy.

If anyone have not tried AAO you should, it is quite good, and it is free!

I'm inclined to lean towards HL2 not having 'leaning'. :p
Learning is crap. Long live ignorance!
Originally posted by SLH
Learning is crap. Long live ignorance!

hehe i loved the leaning thing in those "silent shooter" games like metal gear solid (i think?) or raven shield, but i wouldnt like it in a fps like halflife 2 ;(
Originally posted by HalfAsleep
America's Army : Operations actually has a great leaning and aiming system.

You can only lean when not moving, and the leaning is very well modelled, although leaning helps you hide part of your body, you will expose yourself to enemy fire by leaning, just not as much. Quite a lot of your upper body will be visible, just like in real life, where you need the shoulder behind the rifle to aim/fire in a sensible way. The advantage of leaning is a slightly smaller target, so that people won't shoot you in the legs. I hate how you have to round a corner in CS just to take a peek, and one lucky guy lands a bullet, and you end up in slooow motion. Before you know it you are dead, while all you could do was struggle behind cover again soooo slow.

It is the same with aiming down the barrel/scope, only works when not moving.

So if leaning/aiming could be done like AAO (or mohaa minus the lean while run syndrome) I would be happy.

If anyone have not tried AAO you should, it is quite good, and it is free!


But AA is a tactical shooter, HL 2 isnt. But that system could be good for CS 2
I would like to see a little mirror on a stick that you hold around the corner... you could even make the mirror part so that it could be shot and broken.

For a more futuristic mod, a gun with a camera that is linked up to your helmet and has a small camera screen come down into the corner of your view when it is turned on... then you have buttons to hold the gun pointing out to either side to look around corners (you could also give it night/heat vision).

EDIT: Ooh I'm a "Prowler" now... how many posts is that?
Originally posted by OCybrManO
EDIT: Ooh I'm a "Prowler" now... how many posts is that?

Given your post count is at 438, i'd guess 400. You've been slow to notice though. :)
Leaning has never been done properly in any game IMO. Raven Shield omes closest but like others have said RS is a tactical shooter while HL2 is not. Having the facility would be useful for ther MODders.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
I would like to see a little mirror on a stick that you hold around the corner... you could even make the mirror part so that it could be shot and broken.

That's a great idea for anyone thinking of a realism/tactical sort of mod and assuming the hitbox detection is polygon perfect I guess it must be do-able too.

*squirrels idea away for future use*
Originally posted by SLH
Given your post count is at 438, i'd guess 400. You've been slow to notice though. :)
Where do you see the post count?
I thought they removed them...
dude i love leaning...

you can't camp leaned..

but i use it in Americas Army all the time! its awesome!
Originally posted by OCybrManO
Where do you see the post count?
I thought they removed them...

We're not really ment to know, but search and you'll find out how..... ;)
still havent got an email back from gabe yet about it

but if you are associating realism with leaning, that doesnt fly, because mohaa is an arcade shooter and they have leaning. i agree its pretty gay on mohaa that you can lean while running, but they fixed that in the addon, and in the next addon(breakthrough)
I personally don't like leaning. As Half-Life was the first FPS to truly get me interested in the genre, I've always used their default controls, and therefore I have always believed them to be....correct.

This has meant that I have to have 'Use' as E. With leaning, you simply have to use Q and E, which means 'Use' has to be moved to something like F....which is the flashlight. So I would have to put the flashlight on G or something, which is just a little too far away for my finger to stretch comfortably.

I'm very much stuck in my ways. You'd think that I could be able to adapt....but I JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT!
You could have one lean button (Q) that stops you from moving and converts all the movement keys to leaning directions (A & D for side-to-side... W for looking down over a ledge... I'm not sure what kind of lean S would do) as long as you hold it down.
Leaning is a nice feature, but the whole "shoot from the forehead" thing you often find in multiplayer games pretty much sucks.
Originally posted by Papa Lazarou
I personally don't like leaning. As Half-Life was the first FPS to truly get me interested in the genre, I've always used their default controls, and therefore I have always believed them to be....correct.

This has meant that I have to have 'Use' as E. With leaning, you simply have to use Q and E, which means 'Use' has to be moved to something like F....which is the flashlight. So I would have to put the flashlight on G or something, which is just a little too far away for my finger to stretch comfortably.

I'm very much stuck in my ways. You'd think that I could be able to adapt....but I JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT!

I had this problem in mohaa, when you lean you cannot use the wasd keys to move, and besides, I am also belonging to the group of people that have played HL since it came out. I really like to have use on e and last weapon on q and so on.

BUT... I noticed a lot of fancy leaning in mohaa and asked around. And now I have leaning on the left ctrl button and the spacebar. I have a logitech mx500 so I just map Jump to the "back" button. Otherwise I use x or alt as jump. This works great!!!

And to that guy that said leaning is just for tactical shooters: I always considered HL as something in between, not as arcadish and deathmatch like as quake. And if leaning is in HL2, I think it might MAKE HL2 a bit more tactical. People will not just jump out from corners but be a bit more careful since they can. As long as leaning is something like America's Army, where you have to get your weapon around the corner (so you do expose some significant upper body to lean) I think it would be very cool in HL2. :bounce:
