any new news on 6800U or x800xt availability?


May 20, 2004
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I'm debating what to order and how long it will take to actually get. I know there's a big backorder for them both and delays all around. I'm wondering if anybody has any new estimates. Before I was more towards the x800 xt but after what I've read in the latest PC gamer the 6800 Ultra may be the way to go.

I'm debating whether or not to order an entire PC online where I've gotten my last two with no problems, get it without the vid card and buy one on my own, or just build one myself with all the components. If i buy one with the vid card I'll have to wait for them to get the part before they can build and send. If i get just the vid card later I can get the comp now and use my 9700pro in it till the new cards come.

I'm leaning toward ordering comp minus vid card. Its not much more expensive than just putting pieces together myself, they'll do a better job, and give some discounts on certain parts, plus free far cry.
What did they say in the latest pc gamer?

Many more places seem to be gettin the cards in larger quantities. Monarch computers has had the evga and bfg 6800 ultra in for a couple days now. Zipzoomfly had a large shipment the other day but they were selling for $699 (ouch thats american too) And a lot of the websites and local stores are saying they expect shipments next week. The 21 or 22. I emailed ati (dont know to trust them or not) and they said they expect to have most of their backorders filled befor the end of the month.

You can now get the ultra extreme edition from monarch computer also. (you will drop dead when you see the price though)
it says that the new drivers for the geforce have upped the performance, and that they nvidia is saying they were too conservative and you don't really need a 480 watt psu.
I know alot of places w/ Ultras in stock, the lowest ive seen is an eVga for 518 US which aint that bad imo :p

also some evgas come oc'd to 425mhz out of the box
Rocketman9mm said:
I'm debating what to order and how long it will take to actually get. I know there's a big backorder for them both and delays all around. I'm wondering if anybody has any new estimates. Before I was more towards the x800 xt but after what I've read in the latest PC gamer the 6800 Ultra may be the way to go.

I'm debating whether or not to order an entire PC online where I've gotten my last two with no problems, get it without the vid card and buy one on my own, or just build one myself with all the components. If i buy one with the vid card I'll have to wait for them to get the part before they can build and send. If i get just the vid card later I can get the comp now and use my 9700pro in it till the new cards come.

I'm leaning toward ordering comp minus vid card. Its not much more expensive than just putting pieces together myself, they'll do a better job, and give some discounts on certain parts, plus free far cry.

I'd look into the 6800 GT also. I was in your boat a few weeks ago and after a few articles and reviews, I was sold on it. Just hours before I almost bought the 6800 Ultra.

The GT definitly get you the most bang for your buck compared to Ultra. I don't have any links, but just check out some reviews before you buy it. You'll get damn near Ultra performance, plus you'll save $100.

Oh, and, the GT is an easy OC. It runs perfectly at the Ultra speeds if you're interested. :cheers: