Any news on Quake 4?


Dec 22, 2003
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Sure, we do know that Quake 4 is being developed by Raven Software and is using the Doom 3 engine, but is there anything else to know about the upcoming sequel to Quake 2?. I remember reading somewhere that it is a continuation to Quake 2, is that accurate?. I just hope Quake 4 shows more ingenuity in game design than Doom 3, and has a much more involved storyline/world. Hopefully, in the next few months, we'll see some more info on it.
Yes - it's a continuation of the Strogg War from Quake 2.

Not much else is known about the game other than what you've mentioned - they're keeping a pretty tight lid on it.
Raven Software is working on it under the watchful eye of id software.

And that's pretty much one of the main facts.
Only one screenshot has been 'officially' released which is a blue gladiator but some concept art has been leaked unto the INTArW3b.
wasnt really a screenshot, It was a piece of concept art. However some people recreated him as a quake 3 model and suddenly a lot of people believed it to be official Quake 4 content and totally ignoring the fact that there isn't any trace of normal mapping on it (the big power of the DOOM³ engine they devloping the game on) and is quite low poly.

After that 46 images (I think this was acurate) where leaked including a lot of concept art from vehicles, weapons and maps, and some high resolution models from enemy's
I don't know If I really trust Raven with this. Raven's netcode's usually stink, as can be seen in SoF and SoF II, also while those games were interesting for the first few levels they soon lost their shine and they became quite boring (SoF I was OK).

As far as I'm aware they're modifying the DooM 3 engine so that it allows greater sized area's and more enemies on screen.
no Quake 4 stuff will be shown at Quakecon next week
Quake 4 info will problably be released around the time HL2 is gold. Just my hunch.
WRONG, Quake 4 info probly wont be released till next years E3. Todd Hollenshed said they didnt want anything said about Q4 until they have a nice and good estimation of when it will be released. he said this because of how they announced Doom 3 so early and ended not having it release for a long time. Unreal 3 also looks like they "borrowed" a few ideas from the Q4 concepts that were leaked. some of the soldiers equiptment looks very similiar between Q4 and U3.
My mistake! I didn't mean much info, just maybe some more concept art or a screen shot.
Quake4 will be similare to the UE3.0...............:COOL
i just hope they spend time on the multiplayer...doom3s is meh at best.

Quake is known for its awesome multiplayer frag fest.
thats nice, posting them is illigal and not allowed here.. just so you know
Oh I wouldn't dream of posting them here don't you worry ~_^
Quake 4 is in good hands. Raven has more creative talent than ID could ever dream of, and I will go out on a limb here and predict that ID will be responsible for the net-code, which will probably be exactly the same as the net-code in DooM3, which had dang well better be improved greatly from current standard.


mortiz said:
I don't know If I really trust Raven with this. Raven's netcode's usually stink, as can be seen in SoF and SoF II, also while those games were interesting for the first few levels they soon lost their shine and they became quite boring (SoF I was OK).

As far as I'm aware they're modifying the DooM 3 engine so that it allows greater sized area's and more enemies on screen.
yeah, it's not raven's netcode, persea, it's Doom 3's. Yeah, they're modify and optomize it for thier needs, but that's what they'll do. optomize it. not make it worse.
boglito said:
Quake 4 is in good hands. Raven has more creative talent than ID could ever dream of, and I will go out on a limb here and predict that ID will be responsible for the net-code, which will probably be exactly the same as the net-code in DooM3, which had dang well better be improved greatly from current standard.

LOL Excuse me?

id had the most talented lead artist in the industry by the name "Kenneth Scott" and not forget "Adrian Carmack"
EVIL said:
LOL Excuse me?

id had the most talented lead artist in the industry by the name "Kenneth Scott" and not forget "Adrian Carmack"

ID does indeed have some extremely talented people working for them, but their philosophy as a game developer is not to be creative but to make fun games that push the limits of current hardware technology (and they are very successful at that). My point is that making 6 1st person shooters in a row that contains pretty much the same arsenal of weapons is not a display of creativity. That's why I'm happy that raven are doing Quake4, I expect them to do crazy stuff that ID would never dream of.

I can't be sure that it is going to happen, but I think if someone can make Quake4 a refreshing twist to the genre then Raven are the right people to do it.

In case you guys are desperate for Quake 4 leaked art, just type in 'Quake 4' in google's image section.
Quake 4 sounds like it has a chance of being very good, it's certainly in competent hands, but I think I'll still be playing HL2 when it's released. :\
Yes - it's a continuation of the Strogg War from Quake 2.

Not much else is known about the game other than what you've mentioned - they're keeping a pretty tight lid on it.

In the recent interview at quakecon teh ceo of id (forgot his name) said it would be focused on mp. I guess they changed there minds. :/
I know its an old article but its the first one I found on the fly.

Its the team that did the castle wolfenstein mp which rocked so much.

Anyhow I often think people put Q4 and mp together because of Q3. If someone mentions Doom 3 engine, and MP game, most of my mates go 'Q4'. So like I say, we'll see.

Edit: I've tried looking for a Quakecon 2004 interview but can only find 2003's they still go on about Q4 being (mainly SP) Anyone got a link for the QC 2004 interview?