Any one know how to make a virticle door?


Jul 9, 2003
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me and my friend have been tryin to make one but keep failing.

do u remember in halflife were u would hit a button and lights would flash and the emergancy door would slowly come down? thats what i want to create.... thanks...
Make a func_door etc and set its angle to down (theres a little drop down menu next to that black circle with the line in it)

Then give the door a name like door1 then make a multi manager put the door1 name into the values box then make a trigger to trigger the multi manager wich triggers the door. If you trigger it by a button then you wont need the multi_manager
dux can you explain that better? i want to make doors too (i assume you mean func_door in the entities box? there are no "func_" things in there)
right, I know what you're on about. Make the brush you plan to doorify into an entity... and then change the properties as Dux sed :)... hope that helps
Originally posted by Wraith
dux can you explain that better? i want to make doors too (i assume you mean func_door in the entities box? there are no "func_" things in there)

select the brush and press Ctrl T to turn it into an entity and then select func_door from the "Class:" drop down box (on the "Class Info" tab) (this is how you'd do it in hammer 3.5 beta, i would assume its pretty similar in previous versions)