any possibility of playing Ninja Gaiden on pc ??

May 12, 2004
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I'm not talking about emulator, I simply want them to port Ninja Gaiden, such a great 3D action game, to pc. Do u guys think they are going to do that ??
I had the same thought just today!
But Tecmo's never really ported any of their console games to the PC.
Tredoslop said:
I had the same thought just today!
But Tecmo's never really ported any of their console games to the PC.

I'm pretty sure team ninja only makes games for the box. I could be wrong though.
Don't see it happening. Besides, it's one of those few games that's probably better to play on a controller, than a mouse and keyboard.
what i'd kill for a pc port of is time splitters 2, that game online would really be unbelievably fun
Platformers are best kept to consoles, remember how horrible Legacy of kain defiance's controls were on a keyboard? *pukes*