Any Republicans/conservatives NOT Supporting Bush in November?


May 9, 2004
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I just want to take an informal poll among conservatives and/or Republicans or those leaning that way who are either not supporting or having serious doubts about supporting President Bush's re-election in November. Note that I didn't say that you will necessarily be voting for Kerry.

If you do decide to post, please briefly state your reason why.

I respectfully request that liberals and/or Democrats, etc. please refrain from posting here (as much as I enjoy your commentary) as I wish this to be purely among those of us to the right of the political spectrum but feel free to peruse the comments at your leisure. I also request that conservatives/Republicans who are supporting the President do likewise. I thank you for your courtesy.

For myself, I have voted for President Bush in 2000 but will not be supporting him for re-election in 2004 as I feel that the neo-con policies of the administration have done too much harm to US foreign policy.
You only want people who are NOT going to vote for him to post here? I'm a republican and I will vote for him again.

EDIT: Although, I hate the classification of republican/democrat... as conservative and liberal. I'm one of those people that believes that you can have views on one subject, and views on a different subject that favors the other side more. I'm not a black and white kind of guy.
Oh yes I agree with you too on the fallacy of associating Republican with conservative or Democrat with liberal.

I just wanted those who have a "rightist" orientation (whether Democrat or Republican) who are not supporting Bush's re-election to offer their opinion as to why they will not be supporting his re-election.
I am still undecided.

I am for Bush's economic policy, but his foreign policy leaves much to be desired. Kerry on the other hand has better foregin policy, but his economic policy is horrible. When it gets closer to election time, I may take a serious look at any independents running for the White House. If none look good, I'll probably vote for Bush again. Economic policy is alot more important than foreign policy to America.
blahblahblah said:
I am still undecided.

I am for Bush's economic policy, but his foreign policy leaves much to be desired. Kerry on the other hand has better foregin policy, but his economic policy is horrible. When it gets closer to election time, I may take a serious look at any independents running for the White House. If none look good, I'll probably vote for Bush again. Economic policy is alot more important than foreign policy to America.

Just out of curiousity, how exactly is Bushes economic policy all that great? I haven't seen much evidence of it in the past four years.
I must disagree with the President's economic policy as well.

Bush has not acted in the manner of conservatism: he was fulfilled one tenent of conservatism - cutting taxes - and not followed through on the other, cutting spending. On the contrary, he and the Congress have engaged in a pork-filled spending orgy of epic proportions.

Furthermore, he slapped those ridiculous tarriffs on imported steel to protect an industry that needs to be allowed to either die or re-organize itself (bankruptcy and acquisition) to make itself more efficient and competitive.

Even on the issue of tax cuts, I'm all for lower taxes but not at the expense of ballooning deficits and long term financial insecurity.
blahblahblah said:
I am for Bush's economic policy

Soo...what do you like best among Bush's economic accomplishments?

1. The loss of more American jobs than any president in history.
2. The economically and morally unsound tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of Americans.
3. Squandering the budget surpluses produced under Clinton with the most deficit spending of any president since Reagan.

Just wondering which is your favorite.
Neutrino said:
Just out of curiousity, how exactly is Bushes economic policy all that great? I haven't seen much evidence of it in the past four years.

This is hard for me to properly explain it. Here is an analogy to Bush's stance on outsourcing: I can pay my debtor the amount I owe now, or I can pay my debtor much later but pay a higher amount. If you think about it, Bush is choosing to pay the debtor right now. While outsourcing maybe hurting our economy now, it is far less devasting to our economy than what could happen in 20 years if we refuse to become a part of this global economy.

On taxation, it is widely known that Bush has given tax breaks to wealthy people. While mainstream media/people have heavily criticize this, this taxation policy is actually beneficial to our economy. There is something called the 'Substition Effect' - A behaviorial response to an income tax rate increase: Taxpayers engage in fewer income producing activities and more nonincome producing activities.

How does that affect the economy? Well rich people generate a lot of jobs by spending money. The more money they spend, the more jobs are created. If you increase taxes for the rich, the rich people work less and therefore they spend less which hurts the economy. The jobs created by this type of policy are usually higher paying jobs since more expensive products (read: higher profit) are sold. This effect does not happen with Middle Class/poor people. :(

Now, Bush's economic policy is far from perfect but, in my opinion his policy is alot better than Kerry's.
blahblahblah said:
On taxation, it is widely known that Bush has given tax breaks to wealthy people. While mainstream media/people have heavily criticize this, this taxation policy is actually beneficial to our economy. There is something called the 'Substition Effect' - A behaviorial response to an income tax rate increase: Taxpayers engage in fewer income producing activities and more nonincome producing activities.

How does that affect the economy? Well rich people generate a lot of jobs by spending money. The more money they spend, the more jobs are created. If you increase taxes for the rich, the rich people work less and therefore they spend less which hurts the economy. The jobs created by this type of policy are usually higher paying jobs since more expensive products (read: higher profit) are sold. This effect does not happen with Middle Class/poor people. :([/B]

Yeah, that's called Reaganomics. Doesn't work:
I am 17 right now, but will turn 18 a month before the elections. I will be voting for Bush.
DarkStar, Neutrino, are you guys conservatives? if not, you should respect SFLUFAN's thread and not start discussions about how much bush sucks. personally, i'm quite interested in the response from conservatives that aren't voting for him, not hearing conservatives who are/would defend their views again.
The substitution effect can be plotted on a graph as a parabola. The Regean's attempt used incorrect numbers which caused the point on the parabola to shift to far to the right. If the Regean administration used correct numbers, "Reganomics" would have worked.
DarkStar said:
Soo...what do you like best among Bush's economic accomplishments?

1. The loss of more American jobs than any president in history.
2. The economically and morally unsound tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of Americans.
3. Squandering the budget surpluses produced under Clinton with the most deficit spending of any president since Reagan.

Just wondering which is your favorite.
Wow you didn't exagerate at all, good job man :afro:
Lil' Timmy said:
darkstar, neutrino, are you guys conservatives? if not, you should respect SFLUFAN's thread and not start discussions about how much bush sucks. personally, i'm quite interested in the response from conservatives that aren't voting for him, not hearing conservatives who are/would defend their views again.
I agree 100%. If you truly must insult Bush then there have been plenty of threads in the past where it was an option and there will probably be hundreds in the future where you will have your chance. Just don't use this one.
Lil' Timmy said:
DarkStar, Neutrino, are you guys conservatives? if not, you should respect SFLUFAN's thread and not start discussions about how much bush sucks. personally, i'm quite interested in the response from conservatives that aren't voting for him, not hearing conservatives who are/would defend their views again.

I'm conservative on fiscal issues, liberal on social issues. I'm actually a registered independent, although I'm going to be voting for Kerry. If Bush's economic policy was ACTUALLY conservative (i.e. not spending money you don't have) than I'd have alot more respect for the man.
Foxtrot said:
Wow you didn't exagerate at all, good job man :afro:

Yeah, I did exaggerate a litte. I meant "the loss of more jobs since any president since the Depression."
No no didn't kill the thread at all. It might have been silly of me to put those restrictions in the first place.

I really just wanted to see if there were any "conservative" leaning individuals like myself who felt the same way about the Bush administration.
No no didn't kill the thread at all. It might have been silly of me to put those restrictions in the first place.

I really just wanted to see if there were any "conservative" leaning individuals like myself who felt the same way about the Bush administration.

Well, the thing is its hard to pin down alot of people's views with overarching labels. I'm fiscally conservative and pro-life, but I'm also against the death penalty and the war in I have views that are both liberal and conservative. Like I said, I'm a registered independent who will be voting for Kerry.