any runners out there?


Nov 17, 2003
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have any tips to build up endurance, stamina, speed, etc? the 5 mile moto runs they are gonna make me do are going to suck.

i run a pretty good mile at around 6:20, yet ive got about a 17:20 2 mile run. how do i get better times? =)
Stretch stretch stretch. Drink copious amounts of dihydrogen monoxide. Run further than planned.
Just keep building up the distance over time. Don't run with any heavy weights or backpacks, if you want to do a weighted run, keep it to a light backpack.
do weighted squats with low weight and high rep to build endurance in the muscles. do the same with calf raises and hamstring curls, as well as roman dead lifts and lunges. Pretty much any leg exercise with low weight and high rep. Go for around 15 reps per set and do 5 sets.
Well, there are no real shortcuts to increasing your stamina... you need to slog it out.
A good way is mixing slow jogging with fast sprinting (so you can make intervals/reps out of it) eg, run fast for 7 or 8 minutes, walk for a minute to recover (but with pace) then run again, do it 3 or 4 times.

slowly build to the point where you are jogging, and switching to fast running every now and then for a while.. keep it up and you'll have a good way of pushing yourself for long enough to make a difference without running yourself down too fast.

imo, dont waste time with muscle work until you have your stamina set, because thats only tweaking your efficiency.
Incrementally building up the distances you run increases endurance pretty well.
Build yourself up. Try a fast jog and see how long you can run before you have to take a breather.

Afterwards, stick to a paced jog with 30 second walk/breathe intervals. Pretty soon you'll be able to pick up the pace over time, and eventually increase your distance to be consistent with your speed.

I'd only recommend half an hour at a time to begin, but if you're already fairly fit you can stretch that to whatever you want.

And always warm up before running.
Run uphill lots, eat well and do not drink or smoke.

You have to constantly keep running to keep in condition, if you take a few weeks off your stammina will drop off by about 50%, it comes back fairly easily after just a few days but it shows how you have to condition yourself.

Don't use any weight unless you have to, it will only damage joints.
Reasonable advice searanox but i'd recomend oats instead of pasta, oats are much lower GI, much better for you...will give you more stable energy.

Fruit should not really be eaten before the run tbh but is ideal aftewards.
The liver stores glucose, if you have fed on carbs before hand the liver will be like a full fuel tank, when you run this will drain down to empty.....the fruit is used after the run to allow the body to refill the fuel tank (a banana is ideal)
I run about 8 to 10 miles a day, 2 miles at work on my breaks, and usually around 6 miles straight when I get home. The best tips I have are, get an mp3 player or something to keep the jog/run interesting, remind yourself that its all mental, hydrate often, run on an empty stomache, and unless you're like me and enjoy the heat because you want to lose weight, run during morning or evening hours... Running uphill is better for your knees, I tend to enjoy running on a track...

A good way to get where you want to be is, start at your home, run untill you just can't run any further... then run back home
"and unless you're like me and enjoy the heat because you want to lose weight"

Running in the heat decreases weight loss if anything, you may seem to lose weight in the heat but it's all water.
thats true, but i'm not a technical runner, I do it for the high, and I like sweating my ass off, because when i'm done it makes me feel like i've accomplished something.
Innervision961 said:
thats true, but i'm not a technical runner, I do it for the high, and I like sweating my ass off, because when i'm done it makes me feel like i've accomplished something.

kinda the same for me.. if I get a bit stressed, or bored, or frustrated, I just go for a hard run, get my muscles stinging the next day, sweat some of the stress out... you feel so much better afterwards
thanks for the tips guys. i guess what ill have to start doing is just running my little 2 mile course each day until i can get it within reasonable parameters. then just start adding miles to it until im well past 5 and able to continue going.
I think running is one of those things where you go faster by training more
Don't break your leg. It screwed up my running forever. :(

Actually, I've got my old speed back, but none of the endurance.
gh0st said:
thanks for the tips guys. i guess what ill have to start doing is just running my little 2 mile course each day until i can get it within reasonable parameters. then just start adding miles to it until im well past 5 and able to continue going.

what I did was add a little to my distance every week or so. like a quarter of a mile or even as little as an 8th. worked really well when I ran. Of course Im on break from my weight lifting routine, and without it I just lose any motivation to run ;[. starting again tomorrow though :smoking: