Any StarWars fans/nerds out there???

The new trilogy ate my childhood and shat out pain.
Absinthe said:
The new trilogy ate my childhood and shat out pain.

...Quote of the day?

One is forced to wonder, though, about how the new trilogy introduced that a Jedi is never supposed to fall in love. For me, this implies that if a Jedi ever orgasms, then a planet will explode.

I can get behind that mythology, actually.
Was I the only one that got angry with how Anakin got the crap beat out of him? I mean, it seemed fine at the time, but something never sat right with me. Then it finally clicked. The deciding factor in Anakin's defeat was not skill, the Force, or anything like that. No, he lost because, as Obi-Wan astutely pointed out, "I HAVE TEH HIGH GROUND, ANAKIN". Darth Vader had his ass kicked by five feet of elevation and that's it. What the ****? Can Jedi not battle uphill?

Then Obi-Wan just sorta bitches at a suffering Anakin and walks off without even so much as the decency to cut the ****er's head off. I'll admit that I found that kina bitchin' and thought to myself "pwned", but it also seemed awfully out of character.

I won't even get into what an awful disaster Anakin's conversion to the dark side was. All Sidious had to do was snap his fingers and he was suddenly his lapdog. "ANAKIN I CAN SAVE YOUR LOVE AND BUY YOU A ROCKET MOON WITH PIXIES EVEN THOUGH I AM AN INHERENTLY LYING AND EVIL SCUMBAG" cried Palpatine. "OKEY DOKEY" replied Anakin. And then Yoda, a being so powerful in the force that he can detect subtle feelings in an individual, is unable to detect a galaxy-wide coup in the making that's spearheaded by the Sith? OE SNAP PLOT HOLE.
Absinthe said:
I won't even get into what an awful disaster Anakin's conversion to the dark side was. All Sidious had to do was snap his fingers and he was suddenly his lapdog. "ANAKIN I CAN SAVE YOUR LOVE AND BUY YOU A ROCKET MOON WITH PIXIES EVEN THOUGH I AM AN INHERENTLY LYING AND EVIL SCUMBAG" cried Palpatine. "OKEY DOKEY" replied Anakin. And then Yoda, a being so powerful in the force that he can detect subtle feelings in an individual, is unable to detect a galaxy-wide coup in the making that's spearheaded by the Sith? OE SNAP PLOT HOLE.

You might wanna mention Maddox when you re-tell "your" critique in the future.
Bohonkie said:
You might wanna mention Maddox when you re-tell "your" critique in the future.

I've not read this particular Maddox article you refer to. So **** you. Have a nice day. For future reference, you should know that Maddox is not the all-encompassing source of information in the world and is in no way required to detect the level of bullshit that exists in the new Star Wars trilogy. I have no requirement of Maddox to point out such stupidity, as they are axiomatic truths.

Asshole prick.
I really enjoyed the SW universe back when I was 15
The old trilogy is good. But most designs are very unoriginal, the new trilogy sucked.. I like the music the most.
Loved the original trilogy....this new lot is just bleh.
The games have a tendency to suck. Apart from Republic Commando which I thought was awesome fun.
I bought the recent Episode III just to complete my collection, but My love for SW recides in the original Trilogy, and speaking of games, Bioware's KOTOR is more Star Warish than the new trilogy, very good game...
Aye, they should have just hired Bioware to write the script for the new trilogy. The KOTOR games feel far more like Star Wars without George Lucas' clumsy manhandling.
MTG_Maro said:
I freakin love SW, my favorite movie, games.

You're so damn right, Star Wars is the holy bible for me :D
I love all episodes, there is not a single one that is less good as another hehe
a typical star wars fan through the eyes of a "normal" person:

Absinthe said:
Aye, they should have just fired Bioware to write the script for the new trilogy. The KOTOR games feel far more like Star Wars without George Lucas' clumsy manhandling.

Indeed my friend, indeed...
I just realized that quote makes no sense to one stupid typo.
I LOVE Star Wars, but my only complaint was Episode 3: Too emotional in most parts to me. The originals were MUCHO better! And I heard they may bring back some characters in some television spin-offs...... Uh- Oh.
I love all of StarWars, I just pre-ferred all of the others over Episode 2. I also play SWG. My favorite char is Dash Rendar. I used to have all my SW action figures, but they all have become lost <:{
watching george lucas trying to put theology in his new movies is like eating a mouth full of razor blades and shitting them out in a pool of salt water.
SHIPPI said:
I love everything to do with Star Wars 4,5,6.. the new 3 were pretty meh. But the old ones, omg awesome :D I can never get sick of watching Star Wars
Star Trek : TNG is better anyways.
I rather liked the old movies, and the action was fun in the new ones (and Natalie Portman) but they were written horribly.

The whole universe used to have me captivated when I was like eight years old though.
I like all the Star Wars movies, including the new ones :eek:

The old ones will always remain dearer to me, though. (I remember seeing all 3 one after the other at the cinema just after Jedi was released. I must have been about 9 or 10 at the time and the 5-6 hours flew by in what seemed like minutes - coolest thing ever!)

However, I firmly believe that had episodes 4, 5 and 6 come out now, all the ppl who enjoy picking holes in the newer ones would have slagged these off too (lord knows there's plenty of opportunity).

I agree about the end fight, though. All this 'higher ground' stuff was a little silly. But hey, it's Star Wars - suspend your disbelief and accept it. If you were a kid you would (and let's face it, SW is all about the big kid in us), and if it was in the orginals you probably would too ;)
The end of Obi Wan vs Anakin was so disappointing.

Last One In said:
watching george lucas trying to put theology in his new movies is like eating a mouth full of razor blades and shitting them out in a pool of salt water.

Thats GOT to go in my Signature :E
The old ones were fun, but the latest trilogy were kind of meh (to the point where I was the only person in the cinema who boo!ed the opening titles of episode 3) and the games can be amusing, empire at war looks especailly good (what makes it even better is that alot of developers are former emploies of westwood studios, from the time before EA).

And you're complaining about the higher ground thing. So the fact that the elite of the empire's elite, the storm troopers on the death star, got beaten by a farm boy, a princess from a planet with no weapons, a smuggler and a wookie? and the classic line "only imperial storm troopers are this presice" and they then, in every film, book and game, go on to miss everything?
...enjoyed them all immensely, myself. The higher ground thing made a bit of sense. Assuming they are both fairly equal in skill, the higher ground will make a big difference (and we're assuming we know the ways of the Jedi). I did find it funny that the "Imperial Stormtroopers" always seemed a bit clumsy. The impression one got from the movie (as pointed out by Bob_Marley) is that these guys were bada$$es, but you couldn't tell by their actions. I also found it funny that the robot soldiers were also rather clumsy and made rookie mistakes in the movies.
The originals were by far the best. Episodes 1-3 catered to dumb America too much by making the movies fast paced with a lot of action. They were still good movies don't get me wrong but they were far from being a gem that episodes 4-6 were.
The originals were more Star Wars than the new ones. But the new films could'nt have been any better :)
Star Wars...ha!
While you use your Force, I will bent your Lightsaber.No?
I am not a SW fan, but... can someone explain me why the Yoda in EpI looks so different from the Yoda in EpII & III?
FleetGuy said:
I am not a SW fan, but... can someone explain me why the Yoda in EpI looks so different from the Yoda in EpII & III?

Eh, Episode 1 and 2 have a bit of a time-gap between them.
I think it's 8/10 years or so.
I would have expected Yoda to look older in EpII & III. He actually looks more decrepit in Ep I.
Mmmm starwars it great one of my favs alongside like lotrs n the first matrix! Tho eps I, II & III had rele shitty scripts the action was gd bt yeh the story/speech in it was kinda bad :P! Original 3 will always be the best!
I prefer the old jedi over the new. No crazy un-godly stuff.