Any tips for getting used to Mouse & Keyboard?

ZOMG 360 Pad?!!!?!1

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Dec 10, 2007
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Hey guys,

I recently made the decision to stop my noobish ways and to start playing games the proper manly way (with a mouse and keyboard).

I'm not doing TOO badly, but im struggling a little bit - it's like learning the game again. I've changed to playing in pubs so hopefully i can be as anonymous as possible and all the people i normally play with won't rip on me!

I bought a fairly cheap 'gaming' mouse that i can map all the buttons up on.

I mostly play Team Fortress 2 which obviously has a massive variety of classes that all need different skills.

Previously i was playing with a 360 pad even in PC games, but i can see the mouse and keyboard advantages.

So, i guess my question is, how do you find it? Any tips or tricks? Any special keyboard settings?

The problem i'm having is having to keep picking the mouse up when i get to the edge of the desk, but i don't want to speed it right up because i just do 180 spins and i cant focus on a target.

Also i hate having to look down at the buttons, i might as well type 'could a medic please heal me kthxbai' as that would be quicker than finding and pressing the E key. I find this odd as i can type resonably fast without looking!

Help me, you're my only hope...
It is a good decision.

First of all, realize there is no acceleration(well, in good games), like there is with joysticks. How fast you move the mouse normally won't matter, it's all based on sensitivity. I keep my sensitivity at round 11 or 12(out of 20), while very experienced people tend to go higher(my mouse has 4000dpi and it's just ridiculous to go that high anyway).

It takes practice. Everything gets very smooth after playing it for a while. I don't need to look down at all, you just need to memorize what hand movements go to what keys.

My basic setup for my left hand on TF2 is to keep my ring finger(if that is what finger I remember it to be) on A, middle on W, index on D. My right thumb goes on the spacebar, and my left pinky sits somewhere between shift and ctrl. To hit E, I just have to do a small motion up with my index finger. Q is a small motion up with my ring finger, and so on.
Yeah, my mouse does 1600dpi, i didn't really know how high is good and if i really need that. No point getting a £100 mouse and realising i'm not going to get better!

I think the other hard thing for me is the wasd, i'm used to controlling movement with one thumb, and that funtion i cant deny is much easier for me with a pad.

I also get W+S mixed up and then i think a spy is behind me because i can't move!

It also probably doesn't help that i'm left handed and playing on a laptop (dedicated graphics - ~50fps).

I think i will go the whole 9 yards, i remember TF2 being this hard when i first started anyway.

Lots of practice on HL2 is in order i think!

The other question is - so i have a low end gaming mouse now, should i consider a different keyboard? I get wrist ache a bit, but i put that down to new muscles being used.

Considering i use a laptop, do you think an external keyboard is advisable? If so, any pointers which type / links etc. Don't want to spend more than £30 really.
For a laptop? Nah. Just make sure you're sitting in a comfortable position.
Just keep at it - and don't give up, it will come with time (basic muscle memory). If you're just learning, may I suggest a trackball?
Just keep at it - and don't give up, it will come with time (basic muscle memory). If you're just learning, may I suggest a trackball?

Feel free to suggest it, i won't be buying one though!

Do either of you map mouse buttons? I don't know if it would confuse me less to have jump / crouch / reload on the mouse rather than the keyboard keys...

Not too bad, need to work on those deaths though, although i did play medic for half the round!