Any Viewtiful Joe fans out there?


Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just bought a used copy of the original. What a fun game and unique game. So many marginal FPS games have fouled up the air. VJoe is a great breathe of fresh air. I really miss good side scrollers.

It's definitely not an easy game. I'm at the street and sewers part pretty early on. How many episodes are there in total?
Excellent game :) - and proof that 2d is far from dead.

I can't remember how many chapters there are, just that it gets harder as you progress. Learn the bad guys attack moves (it's all about evading and then opening a can of whoopass \o/) and how to chain up large combos. On the harder difficulty settings you get no warning if their attack is high or low, just a split second to judge from the preceeding animation.

Incredibly rewarding and challenging game - and a breath of fresh air in this climate of unimaginative, easy, and samey rehashes.

VJ2 is easier - but still pretty tricky, and still very good.

(the DS version is meant to incorporate some new features, other than just using both screens - which, when you think about it, would be cool enough on its own. Uppercut someone into the top screen, slow down time and leap up after him, unleash an uber combo on his sorry ass, them speed up time and send him flying back down to the ground with a thudding impact :) It's going to be too good \o/)
I have it and like it. I never beat the shark boss. The only think I absolutely hated was how anti-frequent the save points were. I'd want to quit sometimes and go do something else, but if I did i'd have to replay 40 mins of a level. That got annyoing. Quick.
LOL, I've been used to incredibly easy FPS games that take hours instead of days to finish. This game was a true wake-up call. So nice to be challenged again. A DS version sounds like it would be cool.

I agree on the save points, but getting to a new one is a true acheivement. I'm at the part on the streets with two helicopters back to back. UGGHH!! Going through all that again is a scary thought.
Viva La 2d games.
I have both VJ and VJ2 they are both great games. If you like 2d shooters get R-type final it is alot of fun and it is insanely hard like arcade games should be and you get real braging rights if you beat it in just normal.

This also reminds me of how Sega needs to make a 2d/3d update to Sonic and sonic 2 like VJ or Klonoa and then sell it on the DS or PSP that would be (Lack of a better word) FU*KING AWESOME.
They are both truly amazing. I didn't get the second (lack of money) so I have only played it in passing. The DS one will be a must buy though. DS is really a dedicated gamer's machine. I feel obliged to complete every piece of touch screen magic ;)