Any Way To Get More RAM?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Is there anything I can do/download to give my computer more ram, besides exiting all the backround programs?
no, except lower program priorities, but i dont do that anyways cuz it might be risky (dont know why, windows message thingy), and cuz i already have a gig of ram. My only suggestion for more ram is buy more.
Ok, another question: I just figured out how to overclock, so what is better, high or low overclockage?
low increments, and make sure you have the proper cooling, otherwise you might fry something. I personally choose not to OC.
Dog-- said:
Is there anything I can do/download to give my computer more ram, besides exiting all the backround programs?
Yes. Buy more / better RAM sticks.
Dog-- said:
Ok, another question: I just figured out how to overclock, so what is better, high or low overclockage?

Do not overclock. No Offense but you shouldn't be touching any of that. If you don't know what your doing you can permanently ruin parts.
Glirk Dient said:
Do not overclock. No Offense but you shouldn't be touching any of that. If you don't know what your doing you can permanently ruin parts.

I once overclocked my CPU without the cpu fan and couldn't break anything :D

But yea you still got to be carefull with overclocking.
as far as im aware, all my components will deactivate before they fry if they get too hot :) i cant rly break anything :)

my old x700 pro got too hot and just turned itself off for 30 seconds or so to cool off, then turned back on :)

if my CPU gets to hot itll turn itself off (freezing the pc in the process) but hey i didnt fry it.
neptuneuk said:
as far as im aware, all my components will deactivate before they fry if they get too hot :) i cant rly break anything :)

my old x700 pro got too hot and just turned itself off for 30 seconds or so to cool off, then turned back on :)

if my CPU gets to hot itll turn itself off (freezing the pc in the process) but hey i didnt fry it.

thats why you dont go up in high increments
neptuneuk said:
as far as im aware, all my components will deactivate before they fry if they get too hot :) i cant rly break anything :)

my old x700 pro got too hot and just turned itself off for 30 seconds or so to cool off, then turned back on :)

if my CPU gets to hot itll turn itself off (freezing the pc in the process) but hey i didnt fry it.

Just because it shuts itself off doesn't mean it wont die in time. Turning it self off is like a warning telling you to stop pushing it so hard, its not a good thing.

To Dog: You can give yourself more virtual RAM. But it hardly helps, not fast at all and it frags your hard drive/s to hell.
And i wouldn't overclock unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Dog, how much ram do you have anyways? What are you trying to accomplish?
I say close any programs you dont need, disable uneccesary services, and disable dumb startup items that shouldnt even start. Right now with only 26 processes I have 1.7 gigs of RAM free with only 2gigs of memory. But that's with firefox and AIM running. I probably have 1.8 gigs of RAM free with both of those closed.
he has 256, its no good nowadays tbh. get another stick of 256 v cheap.

or get 2 X512s