anybody else have trouble connecting to online games today?

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't been able to play a single game online today, keep getting the must log into steam error message, which is obviously retarded as I'm in the damn game and my connection is working fine...

better be fixing this before release.:x
Yeh, Steam Friends has been stopping and starting alot today so things keep resetting, its hard to get a decent server list up to, hopefully it simply means they are testing somthing.
hmmm I think I caught a glimpse of my demo trying to update...but it won't.

I don't think it updated after the latest patch how do I force it to update? I've already tried deleting clientregistry.blob which usually fix these kind of problems, but it didn't this time.

what's the AppUpdateStats.blob ?

ps. friends is online and I believe it has been for me all day, so that's not the problem.
I just played a game, but when I exited it and wanted to join a new one, the search took forever and I gave up eventually.

BTW I wonder how things with the servers will look like when the game's out. Will people want to host servers when there's only 4 people playing on one at a time?
Friends is failing hard, and we are all suffering.
Friends told me I was Offline earlier but I could still hold conversations.
What's going on? When I tried to connect I got the "you must be signed to Steam to connect" or something similar. I restarted the game, and now, when the game is loading I get "LAN servers are restricted to local clients blahblah (class C)". Wat? I thought the game is supposed to find a server for me where I can play, not find one and then say I can't play there.
Same here. I thought it was just me, but pretty much every server is laggy, and for some reason the subway level gets too laggy to play as soon as it loads. it is odd.
I'm getting problems, too. Whenever I try to play online, it just dumps me in my own game, and nobody ever joins. It's as if nobody is playing the game.

Also, I got a friend whos interested in this game but hates Steam. I finally convinced him to get steam to try this game out, and now Steam is failing on us. Great first impression for him.
Great way to persuade people into buying your game Valve. I finally got my friend to get Steam and the demo and it ****ed up on both of us, we didn't get a single proper game. Now he is staying well clear of it. Here is a hint if it's not broke don't fix it, it was fine yesterday and people were enjoying it, ****ing around with it and expecting us to be beta tester is not a good way to treat your customers.
They just released a patch that has fixed the problems I was having, Group servers are working now also.