Anybody here slackline?


May 28, 2003
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Slacklining is a spin-off from rock climbing. Basically you walk along a nylon line that is stretched tight between two trees. Usually not too far off the ground and about 10 up to 100 m long (that's the record). It's different than tight rope walking because the line is stretchy and sways back and forth. You can get the necessary equipment at any rock climbing gear shop for about 30 or 40 bucs.

I've been slacklining for many years and I think that it is gaining in popularity. Most people have never heard of it but I am starting to see it sometimes around the university. It's one of those fringe activities like skim boarding and parkcour in earlier years. You can find videos on youtube. There are lots of records yet to be set on a slackline, but the first front flip has already been captured:
That is a very different and intruiging sport, certainly get awesome balance, i'd be too much of a tank to do that i think.
It shouldn't matter too much how heavy you are as long as you have control over all of your mass. I gotta warn you that it has a steep starting learning curve. Most beginners put their foot on the line then immediately say that it's physically impossible. But it levels out after that.
Hippies do that nearly everyday during fall and spring on the mall at my college. Most don't seem to be able to stay on for too long but some are pretty good.