Anybody in law or give me some advice here?


Jun 20, 2004
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Yeah advice on! :LOL: Ok well in 2004 I was getting my drivers license. I had just turned 18 and at that time you didn't need classroom time to get a license. I still went through a drivers ed course. This course cost $150 and met at a certain time after class at my high school. Well at the end of the course, they gave us a badly photocopied test and most of the questions and answers were terribly written. They just didn't make sense or you could'nt make out what they said due to the smudges of ink. Well a month after it quickly became apparent that I wasn't getting my certification. They should have mailed me it but they never did. So we tried to call them up but found out after the class ended, they promptly went out of business! Now I have to pay triple the amount on my insurance because of this. I got my first car this year and my family is paying for it.

It's hard to pay for it because of the drastically increased rate because I never got my diploma. What do I do now though? My high school won't answer any questions because they are not associated with the driver ed school. The name of the school is Crescent Auto Driving School. I still have full wrtitten documentation of me going to these classes as well. My insurance company won't accept it though because I need the diploma. So whoever that took the class were ripped off $150 and never got a diploma. What should I do *Oh they should have submitted my test to the "DMV" but since they went of business, I doubt it.
Nothing you can do.
Only people responsible are the company, who no longer exist.

Yeah advice on! :LOL: Ok well in 2004 I was getting my drivers license. I had just turned 18 and at that time you didn't need classroom time to get a license. I still went through a drivers ed course. This course cost $150 and met at a certain time after class at my high school. Well at the end of the course, they gave us a badly photocopied test and most of the questions and answers were terribly written. They just didn't make sense or you could'nt make out what they said due to the smudges of ink. Well a month after it quickly became apparent that I wasn't getting my certification. They should have mailed me it but they never did. So we tried to call them up but found out after the class ended, they promptly went out of business! Now I have to pay triple the amount on my insurance because of this. I got my first car this year and my family is paying for it.

It's hard to pay for it because of the drastically increased rate because I never got my diploma. What do I do now though? My high school won't answer any questions because they are not associated with the driver ed school. The name of the school is Crescent Auto Driving School. I still have full wrtitten documentation of me going to these classes as well. My insurance company won't accept it though because I need the diploma. So whoever that took the class were ripped off $150 and never got a diploma. What should I do *Oh they should have submitted my test to the "DMV" but since they went of business, I doubt it.

small claims court will probably get you nothing, and if they're out of business they're probably hounded by creditors so cahnces are they wont resurface .. you might luck out if there's a class action suit but that's not likely in this case

you should let it go and chock it up to lesson learned ..try to go for a long established/reputable business next time ..cheaper is rarely better
Show the insurance company how good of a driver you are by doing some jumps and flips.

-Angry Lawyer
There was another school but they passed people through like perforated condom. So my parents wanted me to go to a "better" school. Mehhh I hope this won't follow me for the rest of my life. Then when I'm 30, I finally decide to go to drivers ed school (again) and meet a bunch of people that lost their license due to DUI. :rolleyes:
Nah, if you don't have any major ****-ups it'll probably go down by at least 21, and then signifigantly by 25.

Edit: and realize you're not just at the mercy of this one insurance company. Shop around - you may find something much better.
Nah, if you don't have any major ****-ups it'll probably go down by at least 21, and then signifigantly by 25.

Edit: and realize you're not just at the mercy of this one insurance company. Shop around - you may find something much better.

Except that he's in Massachusetts, and we aren't allowed to shop around. Insurance is state-regulated. Supposed to change next year, but that's no guarantee... young drivers get screwed.

Hool10, check with the Better Business Bureau here or the Attorney General's Office. If the business up and closed, the BBB may have an open case or records... or something... to help back you up.
Go take a driver's ed course again, which should be easy beans to you by now, and get a new certificate. Your insurance company should lower your rates if you submit a valid certificate. Think about it. Pay now for a drivers ed course, or pay out the ass in insurance rates...
Except that he's in Massachusetts, and we aren't allowed to shop around. Insurance is state-regulated. Supposed to change next year, but that's no guarantee... young drivers get screwed.

Hool10, check with the Better Business Bureau here or the Attorney General's Office. If the business up and closed, the BBB may have an open case or records... or something... to help back you up.

Those socialistic ****s...lemmie at 'em!
Cant you just take another course and get one?
The idea of him having to pay again for a Driver's Ed course seems completely unfair. Penalizing the victim is...wrong.

Go to to file a complaint, or get tips. Call them. Do something.

Granted, you may have an issue since a significant amount of time has passed...but, I'm not sure if there's a statute of limitations on getting help.

I'd have my parents call, if I wasn't completely comfortable traversing through red tape and incompetency. You always sound pretty mature, so, go for it. Fight for your right... to NOT pay crazy insurance. (And paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty...since now I can't get the song out of my head..)