Anyone else dislike the physics when dealing with barrels?


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
I may catch some flack for this, so in advance to those people: shut up.

Anyway, I really don't get why they made you bounce back like a rubber ball when you touch a barrel. Many of us here have played Far Cry I'm sure and there was nothing like that when you touched barrels. Same with Doom3.

Luckily it's not like that with all objects. The buckets and engine parts feel fine. Kicking the bucket around is pretty fun in and of itself.

Overall I'm quite impressed by CS:S, but I hope the interaction with barrels as it stands now is simply a result of the beta status and is not permanent, because it's wonky and makes no sense.

Anyone else agree?
im sure they may change it, ive already been blocked form defusing the bomb since it was cornered behind a barrel, and ive only played for like half an hour!
Soundwave said:
I may catch some flack for this, so in advance to those people: shut up.

Anyway, I really don't get why they made you bounce back like a rubber ball when you touch a barrel. Many of us here have played Far Cry I'm sure and there was nothing like that when you touched barrels. Same with Doom3.

Luckily it's not like that with all objects. The buckets and engine parts feel fine. Kicking the bucket around is pretty fun in and of itself.

Overall I'm quite impressed by CS:S, but I hope the interaction with barrels as it stands now is simply a result of the beta status and is not permanent, because it's wonky and makes no sense.

Anyone else agree?

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the barrels responses, you move towards them and it's totally unpredictable.

This in turn means that instead of trying to use them in a fire fight, you don't, because you never know what they're going to do (i.e. I run for cover behind one and duck and it bounces away lol).
They are using Havok 1.0 modded, Max payne 2 uses version 2.0 and it is much much better
Actually, I think the bounce back is a nice touch.

If you think about it, if you were to kick something heavy like that, you would have to exert your force into the barrel, and that would send your body back some. Also, this works in gameplay, because say you kick a barrel at an enemy, instead of it having no effect on his movement at all, he will have to bounce back in order to move it.
Unfortunately I don't have the beta to test this out myself, but could it be the netcode (or maybe even a client glitch)? What I mean is a sort of lag when you interact with the barrels. The server sends you info that you are further back than the client thinks you are.
as I said before in other threads like this.

it might be that the reaction is caused so that there are no extra worries like getting stuck in a barrel when you go to kick it and you lag... or something like that.

the physics are dumbed down horribly in CS:S, but its still fun... Im just hoping its a CS:S issue, and not a general MP constraint.... ICK if it is.
All I'll say is it's not like this in HL2
i think the pshysics are pretty good i only hate it that u cant stand on the barrels
im sure they make it like that so you cant shoot a bunch of barrels over somewhere then use em to get to places you shouldnt be able to reach.
do the barrels sortof... stick.. for a second after you put one shot in them before they roll/bounce off? its not an FPS drop.. so i dont know if this problem is just me or not..
bliink said:
do the barrels sortof... stick.. for a second after you put one shot in them before they roll/bounce off? its not an FPS drop.. so i dont know if this problem is just me or not..

Does it for me too, but i think it's on purpose

HL2 should (and most probably will) have better collision detection and overall physics reactions due to it being a single player, offline game
Are some of the barrels explosive on some maps? Cause it would be cool to create traps and such..
mp_solidplayers 1

They stick because the netcode starts dealing with the barrels after it has received you shooting them depending on you're ping.
Mr.Headcrab said:
They are using Havok 1.0 modded, Max payne 2 uses version 2.0 and it is much much better

yes and the game is based on quake 1 :LOL:
yeah it sucks, I dont know why they changed the physics becuase barrels and other objects sure dont act like that in the hl2 leak. You can stand on barrels and push them ...none of this bouncing off crap.

Also it seems like someone at valve has turned the physics up to "10" It looks stupid things overreact too much..change that back too!!
This is a multiplayer issue, you dont touch the barrel you touch an invisible collision ball around the central point of the object, if you have exact model collsiion then u have more and more resources being used, its not like this in SP, because they have alot more CPU power to devote to stuff like that.
i see thanks lobster! well that sucks if they cant do it in css :(
Yeah it's kinda wierd when you bounce back, I try to avoid barrels after I got killed when fooling around when 'em hehe.