Anyone else excited about Red Orchestra?


May 14, 2003
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man i wasnt to excited about this mod til i saw therecent screen shots. this mod looks great. first good ww2 mod for ut2k3 engine. comes out on the 10th of this month.

if u want to check it out for yourself its at i think. if u have ut2k3 i think you'll want to know abotu this.
yes... I know the mod... though it's not the kind of game I'm used to play or like.

I'm waiting for The Opera ->
A 1337 modification from Halflife, go moved to UT2003

I hope mods will save the game, because in spite of the fact that my clan plays it, I'm inactive... because It's pretty cr4p to me :\ Cool engine but no gameplay (I respect others may like it)
yea i know wut u mean, the latest mod have been either a let down or incomplete to the point they were alomst more of a hassle than they should be. there definatly potiental though.
I AM!!! ive been waiting for this for 2 god damn years! :D
Hey! How come I never heard of this?

If they've been working on this for two years, chances are it'll rock.

So is this single player, and is it free?

The page says it's ut2k4 TC. Will the work the've done already run on the new engine just like that?
is amultiplayer mod, ut2k3 mods are compatable with ut2k4. its looks very good.