Anyone else get this email?


Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
I got an email today from "GabeN@" which is titled "Encrypted document".
I open the email and it says,
"More info in attach.
Archive password : 01756
Then below is an attachment simply called
I have Yahoo so I clicked on Scan and Download Attachment.
It tells me :
Scan result: Virus "W32.Beagle@mm!zip" found.
You can not download this attachment.

How the hell would someone send me something like this, I mean they would have to know I was interested in HL2 for me to even possibly consider downloading the .zip, or are they just hoping to get lucky?

Anyone else get this email?
Hoping to get lucky. Some bastard masking his email address.
This happened to me aswell - i keep on getting e-mails with attachments from people with e-mail adresses just like my friends (but which aren't from them and containt viruses). And i have no idea how they knew their e-mail adresses :s
Standard virus distribution procedure. Delete on sight.
By the way, did anybody watch that video of the american contractor getting his head cut off? Its at ***********
It is disgusting, but if you really analize everything about human nature. That's what happens sometimes. Oh well, another day, another death... half-life 2 is coo
Hey Iced_Eagle,

Do you know how to modell in Softimage?
Maybe Gabe got a virus: had you ever emailed him before?
Smawg said:
By the way, did anybody watch that video of the american contractor getting his head cut off? Its at www.*******.com

Omfg you just made me literally laugh out loud. Bye whore.

PS- They probably harvested your email from your regestration on this site or a similar HL2 site.
I don't know what the big deal about random emails is. I've played many games and posted my email address EVERYWHERE, and I've received nothing harmful.
I hate to keep adding people to my list of targets if I go on a murderous rampage , but I think the owners and operators of Ogrish deserve a spot.
Smawg its disgusting to post something like that in a topic like this. He did have a loving family who probably dont want you throwing stuff like that around. Show him the respect he deserves. Immature punks like you dont deserve to use the internet because of stuff like this. Grow up.
Smawg, the posting of things like that is not tolerated here. I'm no moderator, but use common sense man...not many people here want to see that video. I don't want to see it. It has already been talked about and forbidden by the moderators and you can get banned for posting links to that.
Smawg: I suggest you quickly PM a moderator, apologising for posting the link & asking them to remove hte link.

Personally I think you should get a perma-IP-ban.
yes i saw its yesterday in the forum.(new posts)
Is Gabe in any of your friends contacts lists???? I have recieved virii in emails that were supposedly from my sisters boss, sisters friends etc. So basically I get email virii from othere people in her contact list.

PS - I saw the horrible video mentioned above, and I DO NOT recommend anyone watching it.
I advice the admins to check the board for spybots
Look, anyone can fake someone elses e-mail adress by, when they sign up on the site, setting their first name as "whatever@" and their second name as "", so when you see a space in the middle, you know it isn't their real e-mail adress, and it is just someone pretending to be them. This person set their first name as "GabeN@" and his second name as ""...
Whats the point of a spybot on a hl2 forum. I mean come on, we all want hl2 lol. What more consistency could u need for advertisement?
I've gotten that kind of thing from gabes email twice.

I don't think its something on my pc, because its only been from gabes email.

And its happend twice now.

Frist one was RE: Hi second was RE: Hello

really stupid.
I think the Yahoo mail is much better, for protect.
There wos a thread bout this few days ago ,warning people not to open ''GabeN@valvesoftware''

Just sum mindless ass thats thinks hes cool
It's not necesary you have them in your contact list. probably gets the emails from cookies in your internet temps files. I get those nmails too from people I have never emailed but I have visited their sites like FNAC etc...
use a spybot cleaner and i promise you I wouldnt be surprised if you had like 50 of them. I had 39.
It's not gabe sneding them to you. Sometimes these e-mails are designed to be snet to you, then choose a contact from your list and mask themselves as that.
Quite a few of the recent viruses will scan your temporary internet files as well as your contact lists and take any e-mail addresses that it finds in there before sending them off with spoofed 'From:' fields. It's not that hard to fake either, you just change your e-mail address in your account setup to whatever you want.
email addresses arent case sensitive.

as for the mail address, someone probably picked it up from this site, hence the conclusion that ull jump ata mail from gabe.
I got this email after i sent Gabe an email, must be more than a coincidence since i have not used the email i did for about 3 months, plus i did virus checks/removal on the named virus and there wasn't one on my comp:

Please contact your system administrator.

The scanned document was QUARANTINED.

Virus Information:
The attachment found.htm.pif contained the virus W32.Netsky.B@mm and could
NOT be repaired.

So in an email i sent Gabe with an address i hadn't used for 3 months, there was an attachment i didnt attach with a virus i didn't have?
SaiboT said:
I got an email today from "GabeN@" ?

Are e-mail addresses case sensitive. If thats the case, then there no Upper-case letters in Gabes e-mail address. We have a copy-cat