Anyone else getting bad lag with the server browser?


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I tried deleting that movie folder in the BF2 directory but that didn't help at all.

Also, for some reason half the pings read as "0" on my screen. That can't be correct.

That game runs fine once I manage to actually get into one. Anyone else having issues like these with the server browser?
Same issues exactly.

Isn't too much of a biggie, but it's a small annoyance.
Same same, possibly the worst server browser I've come across lol. They should have a realy nice one like Steam :D
I'm thinking its gamespys fault.... Since its started happening to alot of people all at once completely randomly... :rolling:
`unreal said:
Same same, possibly the worst server browser I've come across lol. They should have a realy nice one like Steam :D

Steam's is a stand-alone server browser.
They should have a server browser like UT's or get some All-Seeing-Eye support. :cheers:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I'm thinking its gamespys fault.... Since its started happening to alot of people all at once completely randomly... :rolling:
Well it happened to me since day one but this is the first I've been asked if it's also happened to me ;p
Yea I was playing on Skype with one mate, the server browser just refused to show any rooms. We was like wtf - and at the EXACT same time we both said 'ah here we go' when the list flooded itself, so its defo not a random error on our comps.
My server screen lags to hell too, pretty well more then half the servers read as zero ping.
I think the reason it's laggy is because it's still searching for servers. There's no "stop" button so it stays laggy until it finishes.

The reason servers have 0 ping is probably because it can't connect to them to get their ping i.e. they're offline.
`unreal said:
Same same, possibly the worst server browser I've come across lol. They should have a realy nice one like Steam :D

Then you havent played empier earth 2.

marksmanHL2 :) said:
I'm thinking its gamespys fault.... Since its started happening to alot of people all at once completely randomly... :rolling:

It is gamespy. They suck ass. Empire Earth 2 uses gamespy to. All games associated with gamespy have shitty server browsers.
I hope EA makes their own Server browser like Valve did for HL2 and CS/s.
They should also have an option in the filter to filter out servers above a certain ping, because I always play on servers with >100, and this would help a lot. The steam serverbrouwser is the best I ahve used.
Anyone know if ASE supports BF2 yet? I'm tired of crappy gamespy, it's started crashing now randomly on the browser. It did this on H&D2 aswell, useless gamespy.