Anyone else having MSN or steam problems?


Apr 26, 2006
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Whenever I try to go on steam, I get a message saying "You can only have one copy of steam running at one time" even though steam isn't running. I was on msn earlier, then it just randomly logged me out with "we are unable to sign you in blahblahblah".
Anyone else having problems? If not then its clearly my problem.
MSN isn't working for me either...

Also, have a check in your Task Manager and see if Steam.exe is still showing up.
The Steam servers are currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automaticlly reconnect as soon as they come available.
Never believe the content of a Microsoft error message mate :)
MSN isn't working for me either...

Also, have a check in your Task Manager and see if Steam.exe is still showing up.

It is there actually. When I try to stop the program it says: "Warning, terminating the process can cause data loss", etc.

Is it bad doctor?

EDIT: Nevermind, people have posted quicker than I imagined. My question was answered above.
Yeah that's fine mate. Obviously didn't close properly.

I'm in MSN now by the by.
Community chat being funny again... and not "ha ha" funny either.
Whenever I try to have a go on my penis, I get a message saying "You can only have one penis running at one time" even though penis isn't running. I was anal fingering earlier, then it just randomly logged me out with "we are unable to sign you in blahblahblah".
Anyone else having problems? If not then its clearly my problem.


EDIT: Whoa, I thought only n-word, f-word and c-word were filtered.