Anyone ever played Vampire: The Eternal Struggle?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Well. It seems this is a collectible card game similiar to magic the gathering, but much different that has been going on since 94, and I never knew about it. Decided to pick up a few hundred cards, closer to 1000, totally about 60 bucks, from both ebay, and an online store. All unopened.

Was going to try this game out, since I liked their online game demo, and I am fascinated by the world of darkness stuff created by white wolf.

Anyone else tried this game before? Like it? Hate it? Tell me.
babyheadcrab said:
Your the devil, aren't you?

Why would you say that? Is it that bad, that a religious guy such as myself, enjoys playing games that concern the darker aspects of the human imigination? Heh.
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
tried werewolf briefly...

Are you talking about the Pen and Paper werewolf game? Because this isn't a P&P game. This is a card game... based off the P&P vampire: The Masquerade game.
Raziaar said:
Why would you say that? Is it that bad, that a religious guy such as myself, enjoys playing games that concern the darker aspects of the human imigination? Heh.

I'm just being random :p I dont think your the devil in any way. I used to play magic for a very long time. And had quite a deck I might add!
Raziaar said:
Are you talking about the Pen and Paper werewolf game? Because this isn't a P&P game. This is a card game... based off the P&P vampire: The Masquerade game.

no I'm talking about the card-game

why would I talk about P&P when you talk about card-games? :afro:
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
no I'm talking about the card-game

why would I talk about P&P when you talk about card-games? :afro:

Just haven't heard about a werewolf card game. THey certainly don't have any information, at least not anymore on their website about it. That I could see, anyways.
yeah now that I think about it it wasn't a WW game it was called "Rage"(I think)...still about werewolves and clans etc. though...