Anyone from ireland?


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Sep 20, 2003
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I'm writing an extensive assignment on contemporary ireland and have abit of trouble finding good webpages on the island. I'd like to know abit more about the country from someone who lives there.

What's it like in contemporary ireland society? What sets it apart from other countries? What's the state on multiculturalism, laws, drug policy, what's the night life like, any local bands that are popular?

Also, any notable news or stories, things that have affected the country as a whole?
I'm from an Irish family and spend at least a month every year in Ireland. If you want to learn about modern Ireland it's important to look at the history, an important event in Irish history was the Easter Rising of 1916, that's definitely worth looking at, check the wikipedia page.
Ask Rimfire, he's in Ireland.
But I don't know how drunk he is.
Also, any notable news or stories, things that have affected the country as a whole?

Go to the library and check out one of the books giving a comprehensive guide to Irish history... 'The Course of Irish History' (T.W Moody, F.X Martin) is a great introduction.
im from ireland, i live here, in fact im sitting in my chair right now in ireland. you want an idea of what its like? ok here i go,its run by a pack of retards this country is on the verge of falling on its arse.there is a serious drink problem here which the gov denies kids and i mean kids 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 etc are getting pissed every weekend and then go off riding each other, our health system....ahem ya right, A&E departments all over the country are full with ppl lying on trollies sitting in chairs and the like because our nurses dont have the support and funding they need, if there was an outbreak or a serious desaster we wouldnt be able to cope, ppl can beraly visit hospitals cause of the like of MRSA (hospital superbug which has killed a few ppl)every weekend at least 5 or 6 ppl are killed on our roads thats a fact, because of speeding, drunk driving, or the bad state of the roads, there was talk of not teaching religion to children in primary schools any more because people from other nations dont think it was fair to their children, its been tought to children here since the dawn of an education system,i can go on and on and on, long story short, its crap. thats the sad truth,and the weirdest thing is i still love being irish
I am born Welsh but I also have Irish and Scottish blood in me too. I dont know a great deal about Ireland. We did a bit of it during History lessons last year on how the English took it in the 17th century and then after much "persuasion" by the Fenians, Southern Ireland was given back in the early 20th century. And then the IRA sprang up and tried taking back Northern Ireland. Yeah after what the last guy posted it really doesnt sound like a great place to be. But im not gonna take facts from just one Irish citizen.
The Easter Rising has f*ck all to do with modern Ireland unless you want to get into the Northern Ireland politics (Solaris is far-too politically minded). As far as I can see, Ireland is pretty similar to Britain in most regards (except that we have to do Irish in school, which I really suck at).

Ireland is a fine place, (income) taxes are quite low, wages are quite high (but so are prices :P) and (despite what the media says) our education system and health system work fine in most cases. Unfortunatly there can be waiting times on trolleys in some hospitals but the situation is improving.

If you want to get into politics, our is seems to be almost entirly around political footballs. It used to be the hospitals and under-age drinking, now it's pedophiles and child-protection. Next it'll probably be teenage-mothers (some newspapers claim we have an epidemic, despite rates being about the same as they were 30 years ago). No wonder things get blown out of proportion so much.

Actually, I'm not drunk, I don't drink at all. The UK consumes (or did a few years ago at least) more alchohol per head than Ireland and Ireland more tea per head than the UK.
Actually, I'm not drunk, I don't drink at all. The UK consumes (or did a few years ago at least) more alchohol per head than Ireland and Ireland more tea per head than the UK.
That's just the drink talking.
I'm quarter Irish, but I've only been to Ireland once, and that was eight years ago, so I can't remember much. I know i have been absolutely no help at all.
Just some interesting (and conflicting) viewpoints on Ireland.
Ireland is usually seen as a very good place to live by foreigners. A while ago some large international magazine (Can't remember which one and I swear I'm not making this up) declared Ireland to be the best country to live in in the world.
Irish Adults
Surveys generally find that Irish adults are not happy with their lives. Reasons vary but the conclusion is that they're a bunch of whining piss-pots.
Irish Youth
A recent study has show that Irish teenagers are among the most likly, in the developed world, to drink, take drugs and have sex underage. It also showed that Irish teenagers are among the happiest, most stable and well-adjusted, have good relationships with their parents and have more friends that the average european teenager.
Irish Youth
A recent study has show that Irish teenagers are among the most likly, in the developed world, to drink, take drugs and have sex underage. It also showed that Irish teenagers are among the happiest, most stable and well-adjusted, have good relationships with their parents and have more friends that the average european teenager.

dont we have the highest suicide rate among adolescents in Europe too?
Yup. We've basicly got the highest of everything involving teenagers.
I reckon quite a few british people have Irish blood in them due to the potato famine ages ago. I can imagine quite a lot of Irish citizens moved over here during that period. It wouldve been easy too as they were part of our empire.
About a million emigrated to Britain and the US IIRC.