Anyone getting these email's nowadays?


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
chocolate direction respect afraid keeping supposedto laugh independence full.
discipline try call wear occurred short remained scare i other. liked hopping
probably sat turn can middle. beauty niece spite ran.
how nothing planning meeting sad mind duty understand definitely sentence,
latter mention laid motor nephew oh.
principle under men journey calendar church called move american" servant has
dining seems. longer further offer left forget knows thing practically,
fascinate whenever better below stairs tragedy tuesday corner wood telling.
getting came gentleman fail chocolate truth, usually enjoy mischievous
afternoon! piece supper making tone born away everybody paid? meant pair
strength machine luckily mother fly angry opinion lightning" pair example never
lot servant love answer tired ways replied.

Argh.. They're not getting blocked by the Hotmail spam filter .. It pisses me off. Well, I guess I'll just delete them manually.. *sigh*

/me throws a rock at spam.
Ecthe|ioN said:
chocolate direction respect afraid keeping supposedto laugh independence full.
discipline try call wear occurred short remained scare i other. liked hopping
probably sat turn can middle. beauty niece spite ran.
how nothing planning meeting sad mind duty understand definitely sentence,
latter mention laid motor nephew oh.
principle under men journey calendar church called move american" servant has
dining seems. longer further offer left forget knows thing practically,
fascinate whenever better below stairs tragedy tuesday corner wood telling.
getting came gentleman fail chocolate truth, usually enjoy mischievous
afternoon! piece supper making tone born away everybody paid? meant pair
strength machine luckily mother fly angry opinion lightning" pair example never
lot servant love answer tired ways replied.

Argh.. They're not getting blocked by the Hotmail spam filter .. It pisses me off. Well, I guess I'll just delete them manually.. *sigh*

/me throws a rock at spam.

That sounds like some kind of crazy talk. Watch for viruses.

But no, I've never seen an email like that.
Nope, never seen that one before. I'm still getting the African-dictator-in-exile-money-scam though :laugh:
Good thing I've got NAV 2005 installed :) The mail doesn't make much sense. I'm glad the money scam mailing is over for me :laugh:
I never get the college diploma and drivers license spam anymore either.
I get those. The randomness is an effort to get past spam filters, and seems to work.

I get the ones with atrocious spelling, too. They sneak past as well.