Anyone got a spamfilter for outlook?


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
It seems I just can't get rid of the damn spam I get in the mail! Even though I tell outlook to block words like "sex", "prescription", "viagra", "mortgage", "pharmacy", etc... I still get douzens of spam messages per day. Also, outlook will sometime let e-mails that are supposed to be blocked in my inbox... Like an e-mail with an header : SEX VIAGRA ... it will still not block it sometimes. I did tell it to block it though...

Anyways, I'm asking you guys for a spamfilter of some kind, cause they manage to brake me today :(
Look at the kind of e-mail I'm getting...

From: <[email protected]>
Subject: Co11ege DegrCe bazed up0n Lioe ExpeTience 2597181
Date: 11 octobre, 2003 20:22

Impj0ve your 1ife, with incrIasing y0ur enrning p0wir fr0m a dip1oma
within days from a n0n-accredited univeosity based on 1ife expirience.

Ca11 anytxme inc1uding ho1idays and SunBays
1-425 - 871 - 2013
C0nfideBtia1ity asyured

Bache1ors, and other higher edHcation 1eve1s in fie1ds that re1ate to
you als0 avai1ab1e
peerguardian can link you up with a site that is done by a spyware. ad site. spammer hater. He has a list of just about every spammer you can think of. read his tips.

Also, you can add a list for accepted email address endings. For instance you can block all mail from people that aren't in your address book. Or you can add endings as they come. Its not like your gonna get a legit mail from NASA or anyone from .gov now is it ;)