Anyone got NTL broadband?


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
im just saying that anyone who has BB with ntl should have got an upgrade now (theres no message or anything), and people with 150k will get 300k, 600k will get 750k and so on.

i have 600k the only way i can tell its now 750k is that i used to get 75 kb/s on fileplanet, now i get 95 kb/s :)
Really? I didn't notice! How do you know this affects all ntl users?

[EDIT]: Disregard that, I checked the ntl site. :D
I have 1mb, so shouldn't I theoretically be on 1.5mb now??
Unable to edit previous post, but it would seem that NTL has upgraded the downstream, and kept the upstream at the same so instead of 1024/256, I now have 1536/256 instead of 1536/384... further bottlenecking the service for people who use things such as BitTorrent.
Wheeey thats good to hear I was wondering why my downloads were faster! I'm not complaining hehe - Suicide your lucky to get 75kb/s on 600k dammit, here NTL is a bit crap and it never downloads at the speed it should - I usually got 55-60 now I'm getting 70-75. It's all good though :afro:
I have NTL, when did they update the services? I got up this morning and my Cable was switched off.
Yeah, when did they upgrade. I was noticing the speed increase on Fileplanet as well. Class.

Restart your modem if it doesn't take effect yet.

I am 1mb and I went from dl speeds of:

120/140kb/s to 180/210kb/s
IchI said:
Restart your modem if it doesn't take effect yet.

I am 1mb and I went from dl speeds of:

120/140kb/s to 180/210kb/s

Lucky you. Mine maxes out at about 170/180.
I have NTL Broadband (600k? or something) and it usually clocked at over 700 on broadband speed tests anyway, I don't think i'll notice the speed increase. I wish they'd increased the upload from 128 though.
I have cox cable... I average 380kb/s-ish, but I've gotten 1.1Mb/s once.
i don't think there are as many cable services in america as there are in the uk, wow you guys get a ton of choices
i dont know exactly when it happened- but i went to centreparks on Friday 23rd of july and my internet was normal, but got back on moday the 26th and it was faster.