Anyone have the spelling bee footage?


May 28, 2003
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On the live broadcast of the national spelling bee this kid comes up with a Napolean Dynamite quote out of nowhere while spelling chinook. I got a copy of the audio, but I can't find a video of it anywhere.
Dan said:
On the live broadcast of the national spelling bee this kid comes up with a Napolean Dynamite quote out of nowhere while spelling chinook. I got a copy of the audio, but I can't find a video of it anywhere.

Do you get beat up a lot?

Why are spelling bees so big in the US?
I remember back in the days when our classes would hold competitions for qualifying for the spelling bee. I could have done it. I could have whooped everybody's asses. But I was afraid of large audiences, so I'd always purposefully spell a word wrong just to worm my way out of the situation.

Later, I'd inform my mom about it and she'd tell me how disappointed in me she was.
Good impersonation, to be honest... but who the hell can't spell 'chinook' without needing a definition?
StardogChampion said:
I've seen Napoleon Dynamite... and I still don't get it... ???
He's at the farm. If you can't remember past that you didn't pay attention.
Shodan said:

Why are spelling bees so big in the US?

Because mommies and daddies like to see their little wee children so accurately portray the correct spelling of inane words.

Yes, I used inane.

Pesmerga said:
Because mommies and daddies like to see their little wee children so accurately portray the correct spelling of inane words.

Yes, I used inane.

kids got owned by my InSaNe skillzzz!!11
MarcoPollo said:
Do you get beat up a lot?

Why would I get beat up for talking about somone else geek out on national tv?
RakuraiTenjin said:
kids got owned by my InSaNe skillzzz!!11
I found no funny in Napoleon Dynamite, or that video clip....
cyberpitz said:
I found no funny in Napoleon Dynamite, or that video clip....
then you're obviously dead inside and your soul is currently in a state of entropy.
I lost a spelling bee years ago. I made it to regionals, won school. The word was "russet" but I didn't know what it meant back then.

The idiot announcer said "russed" though (with an enunciated D, too :/ , as in she ended it like russeDEH"

Since I didn't know what it meant and I'd never seen it before it was impossible to know it had a T since she'd said it wrong. I spelled it with a D and lost.

The next kid went and for "micrometer" (which you say macrah mah der) she said "MICRO METER"