Anyone heard about the Pipe bombs in the high school in MD?


Sep 12, 2003
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Well, today we were all evacuated at around 11:45 because there was a kid that was carrying 2 pipe bombs in his backpack! we had to sit outside for 3 hours while the entire school was searched. It was intense. This happened in Middletown, MD. The ultimate "small towm america" incident.

EDIT: I go to this school if you didnt know.
Glad no one got hurt, pitty the bomb did'nt go off while in his backpack, really.
The Mistress said:
Glad no one got hurt, pitty the bomb did'nt go off while in his backpack, really.
LOL!Funny...but sooooo mean.. :D

Like the guy brought them to the school...and he just left him in his backpack?
when hes in jail the entir shcool should break down the prison walls and beat the shit out of him
Gajdycz said:
when hes in jail the entir shcool should break down the prison walls and beat the shit out of him
errr.... Big Bubba will take care of taht.
Stuff like that never happens at my school, thank god.

Only thing we get is the occasional drug bust type things.
is it true that schools in america have metal detectors? If so thats insane..but i guess its neccesary..
Yay, I had people call for a Bomb treaht when they had Math Exam.
h00dlum said:
is it true that schools in america have metal detectors? If so thats insane..but i guess its neccesary..

some do. mine doesnt, theres enough ganstas at my school to put 2 in the chest of any would be bomber, and if necessary 1 in the head.
So has anyone heard of what happened? I'm trying to find out if it's national news.
Vigilante said:
So has anyone heard of what happened? I'm trying to find out if it's national news.

Take a look on CNN.

That is nothing spetacular. My freshman year (before columbine), a guy decided to put a pipe bomb in a metal trashcan and detonated it during lunch hour. Our school is pretty much a solid piece of concrete. I was on the otherside of campus with friends and the classroom I was in shook and made a really loud noise.

My sophmore year, we were evacuated 4 different times because of bomb threats to my school (still before columbine).

I went to a very ghetto school. :|
My school up in New England doesnt have metal detectors. We never have bomb threats we only have the occasional gangster brings a BB gun to school and threatens his rival gangsters.
h00dlum said:
is it true that schools in america have metal detectors? If so thats insane..but i guess its neccesary..
Most innercity schools do, but many suburban and almost all rural schools do not. It is really a matter of circumstance, not a national policy.
TheHitman5 said:
I live in silver spring MD, I have no idea where taht is :O
It's in frederick county. You live only 45 minutes away from me :cheers:
yeah...society is slowly going to hell.. well that is if it hasn't already happened :| :x