Anyone heard of an MMORTS?

Dec 4, 2003
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I just love the idea of a massive multiplayer RTS game, but how easy is it to implement such a thing?

I wonder if there's anyone working on a big project like this.

But to tell the truth, I hardly like any RTS games other than Blizzard's.
Who knows, is it possible other than it being just one 2v2 or 1v1 game after another? I cant see how it'd work exactly.
Maybe more like a civilization type of thing, but more up close. You would have your nation, and be competing with thousands of other nations. There are problems though - it would require a ridiculous number of planets, your nation would have to remain there after you log out, and it would be hard for new players to get into the game. I suppose it would play out like a SimCity/Civilization/StandardRTS hybrid. Thats the only real way I can see something like that working.

Would be great for teamplay, with ongoing alliances, trading, etc.
Would be a bitch to make.

I mean you would have to create a "Universe" with millions of planets.
Also one day you could log on, and boom your being attacked within the first seconds since people could just wait out to attack you.

I mean overall... a real "MMORTS" that has a big visual representation & things...umm.. not work..
Now something like Earth 2150 is nicely done and a Text RTS.
I actually came up with an idea for a game like a MMORTS the other day. Im going into game design, so maybe I can get it made some day.