Anyone here into bicycles?


May 28, 2003
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I don't know much myself, but I just broke the axle on my old 10 speed. So I figured I would shell out a few bucks for some new wheels and drive train and convert the whole thing to a fixed gear. I am looking at buying this wheelset rather than trying to build one myself or paying a bike shop to build one.
Do you think it's a good deal? I don't need anything top of the line. The old wheels were heavy steel rims so anything is an improvement I guess.
I am. Have you ridden fixed gear bikes before? They take some gettin' used to. What kind of riding do you do primarily?
I ride to get where I am going. Mainly riding to the rowing club, about 12 km away. I definitely have been in love with fixed gears since the first one I saw. I like the simplicity of it, there's no way you can divert me from that part of the idea.

I've got a buddy who's a bike mechanic. He can probably help out with the tools and the knowhow when he gets back in town.
you hear about that dude who was arrested for having sex with a bike in a motel?

I totally thought this thread would be about that
Not really, but bikes are totally into me.

Them and those handlebars...
I have 2 street bikes (one BMX, one flatland), both expensive, custom parts and all that shit, and... I don't ride bikes, or do tricks.

I should start, though. I live in the country, And my road is like 20 miles long, or something like that (it's a stupidly long road) and I've never been to the end (well, one end.. in a car).
I also have a bad history with riding bicycles. Lots of cars and things.
Last time I rode a bike, I broke my collar bone. Sort of the same reason I don't play basketball anymore.
What kind of riding do you do primarily?

I definitely have been in love with fixed gears

having sex with a bike in a motel

like 20 miles long

I don't have a car and gas is expensive as shit, so yeah, I take the bike.
I have a car and cyclists are a danger to all road users and themselves, and they don't even pay for the privilege of using the roads.

Banish cyclists to the pavements.

In conclusion, no. I'm not in to bicycles.