Anyone here like Red Vs Blue?

Sweet, I got to meet the guys behind RvB at PAX
I haven't seen any RvB for about...a year...any of them worth watching? I think I got up to 20...
Yea I think a lot of people stopped caring after 20, but they are so hilarious...

If I could get the DVD or something I would watch it for sure.
Watched the first season then got bored, mainly cause I'm downloading them all on dialup and it wasn't really worth it anymore. Pretty cool stuff, though. I'll definitely check out the Sims 2 one :D
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I loved RvB!! :D, hopefully this will be just as funny :)
I think the question is: Anyone here not like Red vs Blue?
I stopped watching RvsB after like 5 episodes of the second series.

Hopefully this can be awesome.
I had no idea it was actually a series thing... I watched the DVD over at a friend's house once... was pretty damn good. :)

And all this was was a stupid introduction... ;(
i loved blood gulch, i have loads of their episodes... ill have to check this out :D
RedVsBlue is awesome :E I've seen all the episodes.. I think I'm gonna donate next season.
never seen this before until last night and have downloaded all the blood gulch episodes. seen the intro for the sims 2 one and looks like it will be cool.