Anyone know how to make a script to throw a gernade then return to last weapon used.


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
I would really like the be able to tap a mouse or keyboard button and kinda of quickly throw gernades. Some counter-strike scripts have had these features but, just wondering if someone wants to see if they can do it before me. Maybe there is already one and if there is could you plz share it with me. Gernades just seem to not get a lot of use. Only time gernades have killed me so far is, because I wanted to see if I could lob it back in time.
I made a simple script; If you tap the button, it switches to grenade. If you hold the button, it switches to grenade and primes it(gets ready to throw it) , let go of the button and it throws the nade, as for going back to previous weapon,you can use a seperate bind for 'lastinv' because I tried to add that into the script and it just makes you get a nade out and then put it away, but if you throw your last grenade it switches to smg, maybe someone good with alias' and scripts can whip up something later, but here is what I have so far:
In the folder below you need to make a file called autoexec.cfg or copy another .cfg file, clear out the text and rename the file to autoexec

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\(steam account)\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\cfg\

Inside autoexec.cfg place this:

alias +nade "slot5; +attack"
alias -nade "-attack"

Now, in game, open your console and make a bind with +nade
For example, Bind x +nade

I haven't even really used this bind all that much, but I made it in attempts to help people asking for a nade script that throws and switches, I guess half is better then nothing, I tried...
why is fast switch in menu not working????? does anybody know the code for console??????
Gren-binding and more..

Hi all,

i got that game and love it! I just registered here, because of the need of some help - i got what i searched for :)
This thread animated me to play arround with the CON and had some probs to open it.. That was the origin reason why i came here. I found a logic-bug in SP and hat to restart the Map via CON, while no saveplaces where left.. Ok, anyway..

Press the key to switch to the gren, release to throw and it will bring you back to lastinv. If you release the button to early (gren takes some time to be "ready") it will bring you right back to previous weapon. That´ll save some time, if ppl tries to kill you while you wants to throw a gren.
Other bindings are: Same to rocket, Mousewheel for fastswitching through most used weapons, fasttoggling between mg and gg and some other stuff..

So, heres what i´ve done... Details in autoexec.txt
Have fun.. email me for notes and hints!! (thnx)
I'm not sure if they work in HL2DM, but they worked in AG at the very least :p :)
scripts are gay. if you cant kick ass without using scripts, then you suck.
Ryjalon5k said:
scripts are gay. if you cant kick ass without using scripts, then you suck.

Yeah scripts are soooo gay, get it straight buddy, all the good players use them because they help out a lot. You'd be stupid NOT to use them.
Steam seems to be sensitive to things though that are not part of the original game. I won't use them in fear of account bannings.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yeah scripts are soooo gay, get it straight buddy, all the good players use them because they help out a lot. You'd be stupid NOT to use them.
Where do you draw the line?
ComradeBadger said:
Where do you draw the line?

I draw the line at the xbow script, any kind of weapon script that like I will never touch, only script I use is longjump.
..if gay or not.. /me did the script for the scripting-purpose and not for "cheating"-like behavior.. I dont think, that steam would ban your account for using ingame-Variables and Commands - it may be possible, but i dont think so.. Its more like tuning the game to your needs, why else did Valve give these possibilities, if you would be banned for using them!? Meaningless, istnt it?
Long jump script in hl2? A script is a script either you use them or not. Period. I guess you have to draw the line somewhere tho. Personaly I use weapon binds but have not tweaked my config at alll. I remember in hldm people used scripts to tau jump in the air and shoot weapons.. pointless IMHO
Halo, Halo2, Far Cry hello!

Most games have a quick gernade throw command key. It just makes things easier. If you bitch and complain about having a key to select a nade, prime, throw, and return to the last weapon used; and possibly restore the previouse quickswitch come, then why not condem the quickswitch key and fast weapon switching. I mean it's not likes it an anti recoil or bunny hop script or something.

It would be a useful feature like having the gravity gun have its own quick switch key.

Another though would maybe be to have a script database intergrated into steam. Scripts would have to be sent into valve for review for how much it will affect gameplay. If it passes it would be loaded into a section of steam that provides scripts for various features. All other scripting would be disabled.

So many of you want to bitch and complain instead of doing something. In fact I am gonna email this idea to them and maybe start a thread over at in the vac section about it.

ALSO PLEASE READ: How the hell do you keep it from switching to more powerul weapons you have just picked up? It keeps screwing up my quickswitch combos.
Ryjalon5k said:
scripts are gay. if you cant kick ass without using scripts, then you suck.

well, maybe you should start resorting to scripts...
if people can use scripts, and valve took the time to give users access to these commands, then why not use them. Either ban all scripts, or let everything in.
i prefer my longjump script :)
I know I had a skate jump script once.
It allowed me to speedskate without pressing continously space, so u can do it by just holding space after the first jump.
anybodey know where to find that script?
Its uploaded on some server too, for example on You just have to hold space to skate... but thats a server addon, im sure it exist as a client side script too.