anyone know movie?

Mar 16, 2005
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i have seen very cool movie but i dont know the name about a mexican man with long hair and a guitarcase full of wepons and ge goes into a bar and shoots everyone. this is so cool i want to make a hal life 2 mod but i dont know what it is called
Once apon a time in mexico. I think.

I dont remember what the old verson is called, the old one is much better anyways.
maybe in the movie plays the pink man from reservor dogs i think and he is friend of mexican man with long hair
shouldnt this go in Films and TV section.. lol?

umm is it traffic?
-### HlPwNs ###- said:
maybe in the movie plays the pink man from reservor dogs i think and he is friend of mexican man with long hair
yeah desperado,great film
well i just plan half lfe 2 mod were you walk in a bar and shoot other man like in the movie but the wepons from the movie i think is in counter strke with half life 2 engine so i need to copy them from game file and i also need 3d paint program for model of big mexican man and guitarcase to make in half life. so i dont make this in doom3 becouse in hafl life you can make better bar with game texture. doom3 is bar on mars with mexican man not very funny :(
You fail at typing anything that we can understand.

At least fail at typing anything I can understand.
once upon a time in mexico was by a wide margin the worst movie i have ever seen.
xcellerate said:
once upon a time in mexico was by a wide margin the worst movie i have ever seen.
Guess you never saw "I was a Teenage Caveman". The only movie ever to make me TIRED of seeing boobs.

so there is ingram smg in counter strike, model of gun and sound etx.
so i say 'hey, ingram smg must be in my hafl life 2 mod becouse it is in movie'.

then i go and use tool to put ingram smg from counter strik in half lfei 2. (i hope this will work becouse it is same engine).

so there is wood floor and plaster (i dont know if it is the right word.. the stuff u smear on walls and it gets hard) wall in half life 2 texture.

but in doom3 texture there is metal floor and steel wall.

but mexican bar has got wood floor and wall with plaster so i take half live 2 engine for mod and not doom3 becouse it is more work to put right texture in doom3 engine.

i hope u can understand me now i know my english is bad
This sounds like the funniest mod since the bit where you get shrunk to the size of a rat in the 'Gordon joins the crew of a bio-survey spaceship' mod, what was that called?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Guess you never saw "I was a Teenage Caveman". The only movie ever to make me TIRED of seeing boobs.

Helloooo House of the dead. *Slap*
Ritz said:
Helloooo House of the dead. *Slap*
Never saw it. Never harbored any false hopes of it being anywhere near good. I'd slap you back, but, you know.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Never saw it. Never harbored any false hopes of it being anywhere near good. I'd slap you back, but, you know.
Sometimes gotta stop being a southern gentlemen.

I've learned this lesson.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Never saw it. Never harbored any false hopes of it being anywhere near good. I'd slap you back, but, you know.

Because I'd snap your arm in half.. like a twig?

You should see it, dont pay for it.. not worth it, but you should see it still, just to see how bad it is. REAL bad.
No I mean the film "Based" on the game.
so they now shoot zombie monkeys on movie screen? :p who gave his money for this stupid idea?
Dude is english your first language? Because if it's not I want to get some of that stuff you're smoking
Obviously this guy is a troll, faking that English is his 2nd/10th language.
i dont speak english very good. i have not learned much english in school do not have 10 language just englisch. :(
but if i write nobody will understand me:

Hallo! Ich hab letztens nen tollen Film gesehen bei dem ein grosser Mexikaner mit einem Gitarrenkoffer voller Waffen in eine Bar geht und alle umlegt!

see ;)
-### HlPwNs ###- said:
i dont speak english very good. i have not learned much english in school do not have 10 language just englisch. :(
but if i write nobody will understand me:

Hallo! Ich hab letztens nen tollen Film gesehen bei dem ein grosser Mexikaner mit einem Gitarrenkoffer voller Waffen in eine Bar geht und alle umlegt!

see ;)

hello, i'm ??? film ?? once apon a time in Mexico ????.

:(, i want to be bilingual
KoreBolteR said:
hello, i'm ??? film ?? once apon a time in Mexico ????.

:(, i want to be bilingual
Naw...more like "hello, i'm ??? film ?? mexican blah blah guitar case blah blah bar blah blah surrounded blah blah"
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Naw...more like "hello, i'm ??? film ?? mexican blah blah guitar case blah blah bar blah blah surrounded blah blah"

hey hey heeey :naughty:

look whos been studying German blah blah lately :D :eek:
KoreBolteR said:
hey hey heeey :naughty:

look whos been studying German blah blah lately :D :eek:
Riiiight... :upstare:

Nope. But I have this to say: Yay for cognates!