Anyone know of a modern Bushido Blade style fighter?

Mar 30, 2007
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Not sure if any of you have played this but Back in my PS1 days me and my big brother got addicted to this little game called Bushido Blade.

It's a weapons based fighter with a high emphasis on realism. One hit kills, if you're wounded it affects your characters abilities, multiple stances and weapons.

Basically it was awesome.

Anyone know of a more modern game in this vein? Not neccesarily Samurai flavored, but having the heavy realism aspect. And weapons based.

anyone? anyone?

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I absolutely loved Bushido Blade.

I do indeed wish there was a modern version of it.
That game was awesome, I used the sledge hammer every time :D

unfortunately I don't know of any other games like it, that would contain as much blood anyway :)
Ahhhh, Bushido Blade... I remember buying it just because it had neat cover art. One of the most enjoyable fighters I've ever played.

I still play Bushido Blade 2 with my friend whenever I visit him. Both are absolutely stellar games. It was awesome because it was more brutal than the average sword fighters, you could easily score 1-hit kills and health bars were a moot point and non-existent. Sadly there's really nothing comparable that I've been able to find on the newer consoles. for shame.

I can honestly remember spending hours every night when some of my friends a few years back on the Bushido Blade games (I had both), they were absolutely amazing, brutal fun.
Any game that allows you to hamstring you foe and force them to crawl about on the floor gets my vote. Them being able to throw sand face just before you land the finishing blow and kill you with one lunging stab through the head raises it to heroic levels of awesome. The world needs a new Bushido Blade.
There will probably never be another Bushido Blade, which is lamentable. The Kengo games are bad. :(

Warbie said:
hamstring you foe and force them to crawl about on the floor
I used to allow people to do this to me when I was Tatsumi. They'd go in for the killing blow and I'd throw my wakizashi at them for the kill. Used to make my friends so upset.
I loved how when you pressed the [select] button your character would kneel down and a cut scene of a execution would occur, it was like surrender.