Anyone know what this means????


Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score


I made a map and put in windows. When i compiled the map it had this about the windos and an error about a messed up keyvalue "lowerleft"

fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
Material glass/glasswindowbreak070b is depending on itself through materialvar $crackmaterial! Ignoring...
Material glass/glasswindowbreak070b is depending on itself through materialvar $crackmaterial! Ignoring...
Material glass/glasswindowbreak070b is depending on itself through materialvar $crackmaterial! Ignoring...
Material glass/glasswindowbreak070b is depending on itself through materialvar $crackmaterial! Ignoring...
Material glass/glasswindowbreak070b is depending on itself through materialvar $crackmaterial! Ignoring...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)

then....when i tried to load the map, it crashed CS:S and the two errors at top showed up...does anyone know how to fix this???
Yeah. I can still play CS, just not with the map that made those errors come up. I made it and it worked fine until I put in a bunch of windows. Even after I deleted all the windos, it still won't run the map and comes up with the same errors. I wish I could fix it!!
the lightmap thing might be to do with a single light lighting too many surfaces directly.. I guess, I dunno, not seen a explaination for it as yet.
Okay....I'll try fixing the worked fine with the same lights before but i'll see if that gets it
Well that didn't work!! I deleted all the lights in my map and it still crashes CS! I really need some help you guys. I know one of you can figure it out! I'm gonna email valve in a few and see if they know whats goin on