Anyone made custom Half-Life figures?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Straxus
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Hello all! I am new here and after finding there was an art section of this forums decided to ask the question: Has anyone out here made custom action figures based on Half-Life characters?
I do primarily Star Wars custom figures, but plan to start on a Civil Protection/Barney figure this weekend. As I have been in a sculpting and Half-Life 2 craze lately I figured (no pun intended) that I should sculpt up some figures.
Uuh someone here (Sorry can't remember your name) Made strider clay models and a Gunship one. Was awesome, really cool.

You selling them?
Not exactly that I know of, but there have been lots of sculpey sculptures, and lego.
Morsecode658 made some neat little gunship and strider figures, and I think <RJMC> did some cool clay art.
Lego seems to be the best way to go for quick and easy figures/dioramas.


More pics of diorama here:

More Half-Life Lego here:

If you want to sculpt some figures for us Straxus, go right ahead. We haven't had sculptures in a while.
Well despite no action figures there are customs based on half-life and that is awesome! Lego Half-Life...that is really cool!
Thanks for the links and info guys!

EDIT- Quoting Dekstar "You selling them?"
I might...depends on time, resources and if doing so would get me in trouble somehow...
Well, I got all the screenshots I need to start the Civil Protection, however was wondering if anybody has any good screenshots of the following:
1)Antlion with wings extended in flight (When/If I get arround to this figure I wanted to try to make it with extendable/retractable wings in the abdomon)
2)Standard Combine Trooper and Nova Prospekt guard BACK VEIW. I just need good pics to make sure back of their uniforms are sculpted right.
3)Pulse Rifle seen from front angles. I have plenty of side and player perspective images. I need forward veiws to attempt to modify/create a Pulse Rifle for Combine figures.

I may not get to all of those mentioned (or any depending on how many obstacles life throws at me) however I am going to try to do a few. (Would love to be able to make a figure of all half-life 2 characters.)
The model viewer in the hammer editor has all of those (and more!)
wtf were do you get Lego Halflife? Didnt know valve made those
They don't, just use the pieces you have to make your own.
how the hell do you deform hard plastic into what you want? Use a lighter and melt the plastic the way you want it? or what? confused...
Yeah, people do that sometimes, and other times they make it out of clay. But every piece I used was one that I already had, with no modifications, and the most that the one other guy did was print out some stickers and put them on his minifigs. Although he did make his own headcrab.
Well you could dremel out the area you wish to modify on the legos, then use sculpey or FIXIT sculpt to shape and detail the new features you want. You could then mold and cast it. Kinda spendy project but if you felt like making alot of them it would be worth it. That is pretty much what I do with the custom figures.

I have three combine helmets preped at the moment:
Civil Protection
Combine Soldier/Nova Prospekt guard
Overwatch Elite

They are just in very rough shape so far. I am prepping them to be right size to be removable helmets.
I tried sculpting Barney's face however no matter what I did the face ended up looking like the I guess G-Man is started as well.
It turns out I have alot of stuff kicking arround that could get me a good start on making an articulated framework to sculpt the Antlion. I have figures that have insect wings that are the right scale, articulation points perfect for the legs and head. The trickiest part of Antlion will be making the abdomen carapace spread apart well without being too brittle on the articulation points and still looking decent when carapace is not spread open for wing deployment.