Anyone of you heard Children of Bodom's newest album?


Feb 27, 2004
Reaction score
Is "Are You Dead Yet?" any good? I've heard the neo-classical vibe is gone and they've turned into a straight forward, aggressive in your face metal band, no questions asked. And it's no surprise after the direction they took with Hate Crew Deathroll, which was a great album.

It's just that I like the power metallish Bodom so much that this new direction they have doesn't feel right. They still blow away 99% of the other crappy bands that call themselves metal. But I hope that they're not turning into a cheap grind/metal -core band. That would just be a waste of their skills.

A lot of new metal bands get hyped for nothing, but Children of Bodom have actually earned the hype. Especially with the addition of the guitar mastermind Roope Latvala, the sheer talent of this band is stunning.
I wouldn't even label them as Power Metal after their last two releases. They've branched to some kind of pseudo-Melodic Death with keyboards. I like Are You Dead Yet, but some of the songs do get a little repetitive, which is something I've never found in the past with Bodom. Still, they're all as catchy as ****, and that's what you come to expect from the Finnish lads.
Yeah I downloaded the album about a month and a half ago. It's awesome. I'll be seeing them for the fourth time in December, it's gonna be sick. I can say that I think Hatebreed and Follow the Reaper are easily better, but I still think their albums keep getting awesome. AYDY? is definitly a great place to leave off from HCDR and I think it's definitly still got that Bodom feel that only they can pull off.
Axyon said:
I wouldn't even label them as Power Metal after their last two releases. They've branched to some kind of pseudo-Melodic Death with keyboards.

That's what I was trying to say. I ment that I like the earlier albums more because they're more power metalli'sh.

But Bodom's never been only power metal though, but had elements from like millions of other genres.
I should really get around to hearing it if I intend to see them in January, I'm sure some stuff will be played from it.
They actually had a poll on their website where fans were able to select what songs they'd like to see on the setlist.
SearanoX said:
They were never even power metal in the first place...I've never seen why they've been labeled as it. The complexity of the music isn't exactly exclusive to power metal, and the keyboards don't suddenly make it power. There are plenty of other metal bands that use keyboards in the same way as Bodom and they don't get thrown under the power metal banner because of it.

I'd call the early stuff melodic death/speed metal or something of the sort, with the newer stuff closer to traditional melodeath.
I'm inclined to disagree. At least in their very beginning, they very much had a Power Metal structure. Replace the harsh vocals with clean on songs like Lake Bodom and The Nail, and you have classic Power.
They had some elements of power metal, but as I said they weren't just that