Anyone Stop?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone here stopped playing the game? I have become uninterested in this game. The patch was actually good until they found out about the memory leak. The gameplay is rather dull in unranked servers since most of the times people cannot become an organized squad. The ranked servers are always full. I just find no point in playing this game. It takes a good 10-15 minutes to get in a game (This includes from opening from your desktop to actually getting in the game.). I can easily play any other game and get in under 3 minutes. I'm sorry this is a bit of a rant. It is just I feel this game is not worth it anymore. I was so stoked for this game, and now I feel nothing but hate towards it..

Anyone else feel the same?
It hasn't stopped me from playing the game...but I only play on one server per sitting because the load times are freakishly long. That's when I play CS:S because I can get into a game in ~60 seconds.
This is a team game. A clan game. Find yourself a clan or group of people to play with. Join some leagues. I myself am in a guild. We have a ventrilo server, and a bf2 server. We are in CAL and TWL. I have loads of fun with this game.

You have to get involved man, the game won't make magic by itself.
vegeta897 said:
This is a team game. A clan game. Find yourself a clan or group of people to play with. Join some leagues. I myself am in a guild. We have a ventrilo server, and a bf2 server. We are in CAL and TWL. I have loads of fun with this game.

You have to get involved man, the game won't make magic by itself.
What clan? Mine is [clan], maybe we could set up a scrim sometime.
if you go into the BF2 folder and name the movies folder 'movies_old' itll take u straight to the login screen with no movies. should make it a bit faster.
What? You homos joined a clan already? What the **** happened to HL2Net ffs :|
Pesmerga said:
What? You homos joined a clan already? What the **** happened to HL2Net ffs :|
I wanted a more competitive clan, I didn't think was serious enough, or has enough players. Hell, right now there are less than 10 active players :(
Yeah... I stopped playing as soon as I figured out I was one of the only few people with the tag [].... I never got a good game then, and when I try to play with other people in this fourms, they have the upper version, while I was away on vacation when the patch came out ;P
Fliko said:
Yeah... I stopped playing as soon as I figured out I was one of the only few people with the tag [].... I never got a good game then, and when I try to play with other people in this fourms, they have the upper version, while I was away on vacation when the patch came out ;P
The patch was rolled back so everyone is using the standard retail version. You can also change your in-game name through a file located in your BF2 folder.
If you want to know how, just ask. :)
Shamrock said:
The patch was rolled back so everyone is using the standard retail version. You can also change your in-game name through a file located in your BF2 folder.
If you want to know how, just ask. :)
How? :D
I stopped playing before the patch. Just felt too samey for me. And way too much stuttering as well.
Dumb Dude said:
To rename your soldier you must edit the file "\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001\Profile.con" and change the first value, in the quotes, to whatever you wish your soldier's name to be. For example, change:

LocalProfile.setName "defaultPlayer"


LocalProfile.setName "Ted Logan"

You don't have to change it to that obviously. :upstare:
Still goin strong..

PS thanks for the name change hint.
*EDIT* I don't have the directory that you specified, but I found my way to a "profile.con" and I looked in there, and nothing about that command you listed :( Do I make the line?
ricera10 said:
It hasn't stopped me from playing the game...but I only play on one server per sitting because the load times are freakishly long. That's when I play CS:S because I can get into a game in ~60 seconds.

If your load times are long drop the quality settings. Higher quality - longer loading times.
I'm already on Low all the way...

Thanks for the name change hint thingy!
I knew about that name thing, but I thought it only allowed you to change your local name, not the one other people see. Can anyone confirm this?
Thanks for the name changing, I was doubting to go back to just Fliko, but loose my stats as bad as they may be. Guess I'll have to start playing again.
i love it more every time i play
never have to wait more than 2 minutes to connect to a ranked server of which there are always plenty