Anyone tried the free Company of Heroes Online yet?


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score

I'm interested in how it works compared to regular CoH multiplayer, but I'm on a download limit so I don't want to download it if it's rubbish. Can you use all four factions? Can you link it to your relic account from the other CoHs? Are the hero units fun?

Anyone who was on the fence about buying Company of Heroes should check this out. It's basically a free-to-play version of the game but with hero units and leveling etc. Yes there are evil filthy microtransations but I'm pretty sure that all content is unlockable by gameplay too.
I could never get the client to work when it was still in beta. I'd love to try it though.
Thanks for the heads up, definitely giving this puppy a try.
I've been meaning to buy the expansions for CoH for so long now... hopefully this will provide a decent distraction.

Holy Christ, I don't have near enough hd space for the game right now.
I've downloaded 13gbs so far and it just seems to keep downloading more and more every time the client restarts.