Anyone tried to return items for repair to Acer?

Dec 12, 2004
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I've got this TFT monitor that seemed to randomly knacker one day - you know if you leave a painting in a window for a year all the colours will fade? it looks like that. I've tried changing all the settings and new cable, diff computer etc. So I was going to send it back to Acer to be repaired. It's been sitting downstairs for half a year now because it wasn't until yesterday I found out I had a 3 year warranty (its a year and a half old). I was wondering if anyone has tried to have things sent back to acer before and how arsey they are and how long it took for you to receive the item back. Any ideas what they're like?
Cheers :)
My cousin's Acer went out about... 6 months ago I think it was. He tried to contacted them about getting it fixed but they never responded. So he just got a new Dell monitor that kicks ass.
I got an Acer pc and a 22" monitor more recently, only problem is the current HDD, but I'm just gonna get another one.
Sounds like the backlights gone. You might wanna check your warrenty, they tend to chuck in exceptions for those.