Anyone using eDimensional 3D glasses?



I've been thinking about getting a pair of these for awhile now but I have a couple questions for anyone that has been using them with FPS type games.
1. How is framerate affected?
2. How comfortable are they, especially after playing for 1-2 hours.
3. I was thinking of going with the wireless glasses since I have too many wires as it is. How long do the batteries tend to last?

Thanks, Fritz
I haven't actually used them... but if you think about it the framerate would be cut in half since it alternates rendering frames for each side.
depends on your graphics card frame rate and your monitors refresh. ALso you will need a nvidia card to run it in directx games like hl2. opengl they have some functionality and i enjoy it but since i have ati i can't play with directx games. I hope they work for doom3 when that comes out opengl =).

they are fairly comfortable i played halflife all the way through and opposing forces with them and its definitly different. you should take breaks because they mess with your eyes a bit. I'm sure if you can manage to get a good frame rate and a good monitor that can handle a good refresh rate at higher resolutions(higher the better and no lower then 85) you should be good to go.

As a close I don't think hl2 will run well with them not until you have a much more powerful video card that can pull out the fps you need.