Anyone using Windows XP Professional x64?


Nov 18, 2004
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I was considering getting/trading in for windows x64 bit edition. Does it run all 32 bit games good?. I read that it runs 32 bit and 64 bit along side each other. The thing they haven't gotten worked out was running 32 bit drivers.

So if you have it, tell me about it.

I guess The fact that I have an AMD 64 makes it ideal to have Win Pro x64.
I have it - don't have any games loaded yet and, for that matter, any 64-bit software besides the stock browser. I didn't like Far Cry enough to install it's 64-bit incarnation. In theory the 64-bit drivers for the video card, system, etc., will help with the gameplay/graphics. I'll let you know if I ever install them on that partition. All 32-bit software I've run on this platform has worked though.
Not sure what the driver support is like now, but before it was pretty bad so it put off alot of people who were thinking of upgrading
D€vIL² said:
I was considering getting/trading in for windows x64 bit edition. Does it run all 32 bit games good?. I read that it runs 32 bit and 64 bit along side each other. The thing they haven't gotten worked out was running 32 bit drivers.

So if you have it, tell me about it.

I guess The fact that I have an AMD 64 makes it ideal to have Win Pro x64.

If you got Far Cry, installing the latest patch and installing a 64bit compatible patch will show a significant difference in both performance and graphical rendering and frame rate (Far Cry is a processor and memory intensive game afterall)

You would need 64x Win for that though
Don't trade it yet. Get the Windows XP 64bit 1 year trial and use that instead. Then you still have your Windows XP (32bit).
I was thinking about 64bit, but tbh I think I'll wait a while.