Anyone willing to sell me their copy of PC Gamer?


Oct 10, 2003
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The newest UK edition of PC Gamer is hella expensive here in Finland. So I was thinking of getting the US version instead. Problem is, the latest edition (the HL2-themed one) doesn´t come out until a while after the actual game does. I was hoping to get to read it a bit sooner.

So, I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to sell me their copy of the latest edition of PC Gamer US and mail it to Finland?

Also, has anyone read multiple magazines with HL2 reviews? Which magazine has the the best or most extensive review?
I'd mail you mine, a canadian/us edition...but i am too lazy to go get postage stamps
yer...and mine, with the DVD....ill mail it too!!

UK edition!!
vegeta897 said:
Isn't this.. Illegal?

Uhh... no? It's your property, you bought it. You can sell it any way you like. It's illegal if you make copied prints of the magazine and sold those.
I´m not really interested in getting the included CD or DVD . It contains mostly stuff you can get of the internet, right?

Are the magazines in good condition?
How much do you guys want for the US adn the UK edition respectively?
Ghostdog said:
The newest UK edition of PC Gamer is hella expensive here in Finland. So I was thinking of getting the US version instead. Problem is, the latest edition (the HL2-themed one) doesn´t come out until a while after the actual game does. I was hoping to get to read it a bit sooner.

So, I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to sell me their copy of the latest edition of PC Gamer US and mail it to Finland?

Also, has anyone read multiple magazines with HL2 reviews? Which magazine has the the best or most extensive review?
PCGAMER UK- Crap review- 8 pages
PCFORMAT UK- Alright review- 6 pages
PCZONE UK- Excellent Review- 12 pages (lots of new screens)

What I mean by the review is the quality of the article, Quantity of new pics and the amount of pages and info that will make halflife2 sell, and an indicator of how repetetive the article is to the previews. PCGAMER UK was total crap because it was basically a review of the preview and I had already seen the pictures.
Huhm... my source says a new edition of PC Zone came out today. I might have to check that out before deciding on which magazine to buy. I´m not too interested I new screenshots, it mostly the actual review I want to read.