anyone with a xaser III w/ hardcano


Jun 30, 2003
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how did you attach the temp sensor to the cpu??? if you have a pentium 4 there's no room under the chip... the area is too small.
Nope. The hardcano 9 is just sittin in there for looks on mine. :p However, I do have a sensor, on 3.0ghz p4 its running at 38c idle so maybe thatll give you a better estimate.
well, on the thermaltake site it says to put it between the cpu and heatsink, and apparently it should only add ~1-2 degrees celcius. however when i did this and started up i was running 60 idle ;\

i took it off and now it just sits in there measuring the general air temp inside my case. tomorrow i'll try attaching it to the side of the heatsink and see how accurate the tempertures are.

i run 36 idle and i have a 2.4 overclocked to 3.01. tomorrow i will oc it more XD