AOL has been fined


Jun 9, 2005
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America Online agreed to pay $1.25 million to the state of New York and reform its customer service procedures, the state attorney general announced on Wednesday.

finally, when i had AOL (three years ago) and when we tried to cancel it took forever to get rid of it. they kept asking "are you sure that you want to cancel? eh? eh?!". all i wanted to yell was STFU YOU S.O.A.B!!

anyways, what do you think about it?

/me reads title


Guess now would be a good time to read your post :P
Only thing I like about AOL is that MR. Case came out of Punahou.

For those not in the know, Punahou is school here. One of the top schools. One of the snobbiest schools.
when i had aol(5 years ago) we canceled it, and 4 years later, found out it was still taking money away from our pockets....
ktimekiller said:
when i had aol(5 years ago) we canceled it, and 4 years later, found out it was still taking money away from our pockets....

Did you get your money back!? How much?!
AOL or scummy slow shit service providers, THERE IS NO SERVICE

i have friends who keep getitn hteir internet cut and reconnect when they're on aol and the shitty programming amfg destroy it!!!
w000t! Now all we have to do is keep Oprah happy and we might have world peace!