AOL, They want to destroy the Internet as we know it


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Anyone who lives in Britian will probably have seen AOL's new advert about the 'Internet'. The advert is pure fear mongering and gives us the impression that the internet is evil. You can watch the video here
On the right there are two links, one to 'The internets a good thing' and one to 'The internets a bad thing'. The bad one is the only one that airs on British TV, and is pure fear mongering. It doesn't even look like an AOL advert, nor was it created to advertise AOL. It is too get us to accept cencorship.

Paul Watson (Alex Jones british counterpart) says
Again, why is a company that profits from people using their service to access the Internet running a nationwide ad campaign that demonizes the Internet?​
Judging on current trends it is more than likely that this is part of the movement to destroy the existing Internet and replace it with Internet 2, a government regulated and controlled version whereby state approval to even own a website will be required and in the short-term future, only citizens with a 'green' color code security level on their national ID card will be given permission to use the Internet at all.

The elite are in panic mode. Newspaper circulation is dwindling, less people watch TV news. The biggest growth sector on the Internet is alternative news, second only to porn.​
The elite are in a desperate race to regain control of the Internet because it has become a well-spring for discussion of alternative ideas and the truth behind the 24/7 propaganda brainwashing churned out by big brother.​
I would agree completely
Yeah, but you're a lefty-pinko-commie.
Not true, I've seen the "Good thing" one on T.V. too. The advert is just advertising a forum to discuss the benefits and evils of the Internet. Also I doubt countries would allow the much of control over the internet by U.S. companies. If it came down to it there's no reason why countries like Britain can't make their own Internets.
I have never listened to anything AOL has said, and I dunno why anyone would, they're the worst major IP out there, simply put

I would take all of this with a grain of salt, though
Again, why is a company that profits from people using their service to access the Internet running a nationwide ad campaign that demonizes the Internet?
Judging on current trends it is more than likely that this is part of the movement to destroy the existing Internet and replace it with Internet 2, a government regulated and controlled version whereby state approval to even own a website will be required and in the short-term future, only citizens with a 'green' color code security level on their national ID card will be given permission to use the Internet at all.

The elite are in panic mode. Newspaper circulation is dwindling, less people watch TV news. The biggest growth sector on the Internet is alternative news, second only to porn.
The elite are in a desperate race to regain control of the Internet because it has become a well-spring for discussion of alternative ideas and the truth behind the 24/7 propaganda brainwashing churned out by big brother.

how paranoid?
They are.

They only gain control through the regulation of information, something which they now cannot control.
Icarusintel said:
I have never listened to anything AOL has said, and I dunno why anyone would, they're the worst major IP out there, simply put

I would take all of this with a grain of salt, though
Yeah, but stupid people who have only just discovered in inn-tornit sorcery don't have a clue and that is AOL's target market.
Which is why the ad campaign is a Bad Idea. Even though they DO focus on the plus points too, you should not - as an advertiser - be honest and frank with your customers on something so contraversial as the internet.
Once again, the stupid people will not be convinced by the "And here's the benefits" adverts, they've had too much Daily Mail propaganda crammed down their throats.

Silly ad campaign, silly AOL. F*ck 'em.

Solaris said:
They only gain control through the regulation of information
WHAT!? And you call yourself a Communist!? What about the control they have over the workers other means? Employment? Benefits and taxation (rising and falling)? How can you possibly ignore those factors?

And how broad a term is "the elite"? Did anyone else see that conspiracy theory documentary by Jon Ronson a few years ago? They were all paranoid morons and couldn't finish a sentence without the oh-so-vague and yet oh-so-menacing term "the elte".
It means nothing unless you directly apply it to a certain group, Watson, you pillock.
I was referring to the guy that said it.

The whole "internet 2" thing is laughable. Yes, there is such a thing - it's being prototyped by universities and corporations. It's not government-regulated, it's just designed to be more robust and faster, because it can be built that way from the outset, rather than being something that is performing tasks it was never envisaged as doing.
Solaris said:
They only gain control through the regulation of information, something which they now cannot control.

Yeah, you stick it to the system, Solaris.

How old are you again?
It's impossible to destroy the Internet, its big network...:LOL:

And F*ck off commies! :sniper: :angry:
Step 1: Discussion of advert
Step 2: Unrelated and irrelevant paranoia
Step 3: ??????
Step 4: Communism!
TheGMan. said:
It's American Online, whatta expect?

True. I wouldn't see the benefits in Internet "2". Hackers and such would find a work-around anyway.
The AOL Ad said:
Voice over Some people think the internet is a bad thing.
Images Blue-print of computer circuit board, close-up of eye.
Voice over Thanks to the internet, your identity can be stolen, your home invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your door.
Images Travelling down the line image, stick men, revolving head, hand opening window as old couple and std sit at table in background, blue-print of house, house exploding.
Voice over The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship.
Images Atom bomb, lies transmitter, b/w Nazis (3), skin-heads, KKK, Osama Bin Laden, headlines.
Voice over A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires. Images Porn: silhouette, director viewing, close-up , girl looks at camera.
Voice over An open market where you can purchase anything you want. Images Products flash up and then baby with price tag.
Voice over Orwell was right. Images 1984 footage
Voice over The internet has taken us to a place where everything we do is watched, monitored and processed without us ever realising.
Images Kid on hobby-horse, surveillance cameras etc. Voice over Some people think the internet is a bad thing. Images View of old man looking at CCTV camera.
Voice over What do you think?
Super Discuss
Dissolves AOL

For youre benifit rimfire.

WHAT!? And you call yourself a Communist!? What about the control they have over the workers other means? Employment? Benefits and taxation (rising and falling)? How can you possibly ignore those factors?
There volutary. The only thing that prevents a revolution is ignorance, taxes and benifits control the classes only if there willing to submit to them, if enough people stopped paying taxes and stopped reconising the state as an authority it would be powerless.

And how broad a term is "the elite"? Did anyone else see that conspiracy theory documentary by Jon Ronson a few years ago? They were all paranoid morons and couldn't finish a sentence without the oh-so-vague and yet oh-so-menacing term "the elte".
It means nothing unless you directly apply it to a certain group, Watson, you pillock.

The elite is the ruling classes, the illuminati, the rich and royalty. All united by greed and pure evil.

How old are you again?
15, as are alot of people.

The whole "internet 2" thing is laughable. Yes, there is such a thing - it's being prototyped by universities and corporations. It's not government-regulated, it's just designed to be more robust and faster, because it can be built that way from the outset, rather than being something that is performing tasks it was never envisaged as doing.
The government/UN could take control of it easilly and then impose restrictions ect.
There are TWO adverts. Its just a conspiracy, tis public advertising :LOL:
Solaris said:

There volutary. The only thing that prevents a revolution is ignorance, taxes and benifits control the classes only if there willing to submit to them, if enough people stopped paying taxes and stopped reconising the state as an authority it would be powerless.

So then everyone would grow up as stupid and ill-informed as you are, crime would rampant and people would starve to death in their thousands!

Solaris said:
The government/UN could take control of it easilly and then impose restrictions ect.

Oh yeah? How?
They can't do it to the current internet, so how would they manage it with the new one?
Utter paranoid blatherings and wild, unfounded speculation.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Oh yeah? How?
They can't do it to the current internet, so how would they manage it with the new one?
Utter paranoid blatherings and wild, unfounded speculation.

This is Solaris we are talking about....
DiSTuRbEd said:
This is Solaris we are talking about....

...hence the paranoid blatherings and wild, unfounded speculation, I suppose :D
I'm actually very worried about the future of the internet but I don't think AOL has anything to do with it. I mean, look at the poll results on their site; 80% think the internet is a good thing. Admittedly it's an internet poll so it's going to be biased.
There are TWO adverts. Its just a conspiracy, tis public advertising :LOL:
Ive seen the bad one 3 times, and have yet too see the good one.

So then everyone would grow up as stupid and ill-informed as you are, crime would rampant and people would starve to death in their thousands!
I'm not stupid. Crime would be near non-existant as the majority of crime is driven by poverty, no-one would starve, we would distribute wealth and food fairly, so there wouldnt be thousands of tons locked up whilst people are staring as currently is the case.
People are currently starving to death in the millions under capitalism.

Oh yeah? How?
They can't do it to the current internet, so how would they manage it with the new one? Utter paranoid blatherings and wild, unfounded speculation.
Tbh I've never even heard of the internet 2, nor followed the link I linked too, so I guess youre right, I should look into it more, rather than just take alexs word for it.

I'm actually very worried about the future of the internet but I don't think AOL has anything to do with it.
AOL is popular amongst first time users, thus creating a terrible experience and making the internet look bad when its really just AOL, arguably eviller than EA.
Well then the argument is a moot. Ive seen the good advent twice and the bad once. Luck of the draw I guess :imu:
Solaris said:
I'm not stupid. Crime would be near non-existant as the majority of crime is driven by poverty, no-one would starve, we would distribute wealth and food fairly, so there wouldnt be thousands of tons locked up whilst people are staring as currently is the case.

You realise I hate you, right? AL has said it before, you're the king of double standards. Every communist society has failed, and set itself up as an even more oppressive authoritarian state than any capitalist society ever has.
Communism rules. Its just a shame that it isnt the right system for people.
Solaris said:
Crime would be near non-existant as the majority of crime is driven by poverty

Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a little to add to that: the majority of crime is driven by poverty; mosre specifically the desire to become richer. Again correct me if I'm wrong (and not in a sarcastic haughty sense I say this) but surely that would be impossible under a communist system? I'm not saying that's a bad thing but I think a lot of people would.
Every communist society has failed, and set itself up as an even more oppressive authoritarian state than any capitalist society ever has.
Yes, the Russian revolution did fail, in a sense. It was however never intended to suceed, Lenin himself said it would be impossible to last longer than 4 years independantly.

It did grow into an evil regime yes, but it was better than the Tsarist regime at least pre-Stalin. It didn't fail, it just didn't do as well as it was.

The revolutions main aim was to overthrow the Tsar, and then set up a communist state, something that is hard to do in such chaotic times.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a little to add to that: the majority of crime is driven by poverty; more specifically the desire to become richer. Again correct me if I'm wrong (and not in a sarcastic haughty sense I say this) but surely that would be impossible under a communist system? I'm not saying that's a bad thing but I think a lot of people would.
No. Crime is becuase there in poverty and there dads a crack addict and they become a dealer when they grow up. They have no job oppertunitys so they have to steal, its crime to earn a living and to try and live a furfilling life.

Only us middle class people go into crime out of choice and desire, people in poverty stricken househoulds do so sometimes becuase theve been brought up in it.
Am i the only one that actually thinks solaris makes perfect sense?
And there is any confusion as to why that is? :p
Communism in theory = Good
Communism in the real world - Teh Suxx0rz
Your source is prisonplanet (how surprising). That should say enough about the validity of this.
Polaris said:
Communism is absolutly bad in theory...

I agree... but it's the only way to let the Communists to take over a country, without the population suspect anything. Human nature is a biatch. :frog:
If I remember correctly in a communist state all people are paid the same. That means there is no incentive to work harder and no motivation. Why would you want to get stuck with a factory job or ditch digging when someone else gets to sit next to a phone all day? Do you get paid more for working harder? Nope.
Your source is prisonplanet (how surprising). That should say enough about the validity of this.
Its the source of an opinion. There really is an advert and it really does say what I posted too.

Communism in theory = Good
Communism in the real world - Teh Suxx0rz
Ah, so youre half revolutionary.

It hasn't been given a fair trial, in the SU it was founded in chaos, its hard to build a socialist society in thoose condtitions.
If I remember correctly in a communist state all people are paid the same. That means there is no incentive to work harder and no motivation. Why would you want to get stuck with a factory job or ditch digging when someone else gets to sit next to a phone all day? Do you get paid more for working harder? Nope.
You could get to retire early if you invented something really cool, or maybe if youre a sewer cleaner you could work less hours.

If money is youre only incentaive then you will live a miserable life.
If youre assured a decent pension decent wages enough to live a more than comfertable life, then you can do what you love without being held back by needing to provide.
From each according to ability.
If you have the cabaility to be a boffin you will be, but you will not be unfairly rewarded before thoose who cannot do that.

If everyone tries there best then everyone deserves an equal share.
Communism is the better of the two main systems in theory, it aims to give everyone good living standards, eliminate greed and have everyone live in happy little communes.

It dosn't work.

Capitlism is the worse of the two main systems in theory, it aims to make people better than others, it thrives on greed and involves people living at the bottom of the ladder in poverty.

It does work.