AOL to give away free movies Dec. 2nd


May 21, 2004
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AOL said Thursday that it would offer 30 movies to users of its AOL Video portal at no cost as a holiday gift. The titles, which would include recent releases like Spiderman 2 and holiday favorites like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation normally sell for $9.99 to $19.99 USD. Users would be limited to one movie download, and would have 24 hours beginning at 6:00am ET on December 2 to download it. The movies would be delivered in Windows Media format, and require a Windows XP computer running Internet Explorer and Windows Media 10 in order to view them. Once downloaded, the user would be able to view the file offline, as well as on one other PC and two Windows Media-compatible portable devices.

I had AOL in Germany,but here I have Cable I-net. D:
Or I can go to a torrent site and get all 30 of those titles in about a day and not have to use shitty AOL
Lol, they have 1 day to download it...what about those on dial-up? It will take then MORE than a day, I see the scheme here.
Lol, they have 1 day to download it...what about those on dial-up? It will take then MORE than a day, I see the scheme here.
lol genius :laugh:

what's the catch - do you have to sign up for commit?
I already own Spiderman 2, hell the first one for that matter I paid $19.00 total for them both...
Their network will grind to a halt as everyone tries to download it, so only about 2 people will get it.

Also, the resolution will be 200x150.

Don't waste your time on this folks, just download them illegally. Or, umm, purchase them.
Spiderman 2 will be on something like Film4 soon anyway. Just record it with one of those thingies that has a hard-drive.