Aperture Science Investment Opportunity Video 3: Turrets

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Valve, in partnership with Aperture Science dba Aperture Laboratories, announced today the release of "Turrets", a promotional video for the long awaited consumer version of Aperture's military-grade turret line. This is the 3rd video of the series with the fourth and final installment of the "Product" series of Aperture investment videos to be released next week.[br]
You can check out the video above or visit the Halflife2.net youtube channel. Don't forget to subscribe while you are there!
They seem to assume that the consumer knows what portal is when they watch these ad's. I guess the TV spots will have much more game play going on.

I love um tho :D
haha ****ing jeep and his "your mom" jokes.
This was classic. Definitely the best so far!

"How do we get so many bullets in em? Like this!"
Better then last ad, but the first "Panel" rules them currently :D
very funny, I liked it and now its on my Facebook page
"This is the same technology we've been using on robots for decades." A subtle reference to the Android remarks?
why on earth they show Chell in the video? can't they threat her like they threat Gordon?
Hahaha, Miniature Surplus German Stick Grenades.