Aperture Science Video Series Announced - First Video 'Panels'

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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The official press release follows:
Valve, in partnership with Aperture Science dba Aperture Laboratories, announced today the first of four "investment opportunity" videos leading up to the April 19th release of Aperture's documentary video game Portal 2.[br]

The first video, titled "Panels", showcases one of the many lucrative products in development at the applied sciences company. Narrated by Aperture CEO and founder Cave Johnson, it offers a fascinating glimpse at the future of test environment construction.
All in good humour Gabe Newell commented saying, "Portal 2 is the best documentary-style investment opportunity game we've ever contributed to," "and we're confident that savvy investors will immediately see the value in these product demonstration videos."
So it's half an ad for Portal 2 and half an ad for the Source engine?
That was awesome. That's the crusher. We sell them, too.
cave johnson sounds very much like what I pictured- well done valve

also, does anyone think this may have something to do with the promised explaination as to what went on inbetween portal 1 & 2?? //conspiracy theory
Wait ... J.K. Simmons ended up being hired to voice Cave Johnson?! Where the **** was I??? Awesome choice.
Carefully looking for Ep3/HL3 references...

Note to Pi: that's a joke, stay calm.
I'm also guessing that the last of these promotional videos will mark the start of Pre-loading on Steam. It just seems right. That's 12th April 2011 for those who are too lazy to work it out.
I think they definitely went the right direction with Cave Johnson. Good stuff.
I love J.K Simmons as Cave Johnson. He's pretty much the perfect choice. I love GlaDos but some variety in our testing overseer will be welcome.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Simmons is fantastic as Cave.
I didn't like that one quite as much. The humor in Portal 2 seems a bit forced at times.