
Nid Banikeri

Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone seen it yet? I'm going to see it tonight. Getting some good reviews and Mel Gibson does make some decent movies.

Should be interesting with it having Yucatan dialogue and apparently its very gory....

hope it lives up to its ratings!
I saw it, i liked it a lot, mostly because, well, how often has anyone ever seen a movie about a Mesoamerican culture. There are some pretty gory parts, which made it fun for me!
the mayan culture was the best part about it. i liked that part. the gore was completely unnecessary and scared the shit out of me because i was high as a kite while watching it.

pretty good movie, even if mel gibson's a jackass.
Didn't really like it at all. I was expecting something really different and interesting about the Mayan culture and history. Instead I got a glorified hollywood chase scene.
It was pretty good, damn gorey... maybe a little too over the top.
I really liked it. Was beautifully made and I didn't see the gore as being overtop...seeing as thats how it really was, especially in the sacrificial scenes.

The different language also gave it that edge..defintly one of my fave movies of the year and defintly getting on dvd!

I left very satisfied overall..go see it!
It was a very good movie in my opinion.
I wouldn't go as far as calling it a "great" movie, but it was very interesting to watch, it had my attention. And as Poo Poo Head said, how many films come out these days about these cultures?