
Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
I would like to apologise to those of you that had showed interest in the game that I was working on. Due to a combination of circumstances, I have withdrawn from any further development on it, and indeed any further game development at all.
Basically, we'd be entering a market that would already be saturated with similar game types (BF2, Quakewars etc) and as the small fish, would struggle for recognition and sales.
Also, the whole business of dealing with publishers, going through staff like they're going out of fashion and just the general grind have completely sucked all the fun out of it.
So I'd rather spend my time on something less soul-destroying. I've pulled the project, and still retain ownership over the concept and assets (I'm not having someone else release a half-arsed version of my vision)

So once again, I apologise for getting your hopes up. I assure you that no-one is more disappointed than I am.
No harm done..
I'd rather not see you waste your time and money with a game that goes small....and would rather let you do something else that either goes big or makes you happy :).

Though... if you do make a game...maybe look into the RTS area... Tons of innovation... plus trying to stream line it all...making it simple for people to get into..hard to master.. then how you want to do everything and game modes... The RTS genre... well.. I would say...that Genre... has so many things that could still be done in it....

Or the RPG. To make a FPS...in the style of Bf\stuff....well.... you can do alot of stuff, but will most of the community really take advantage of it?]

Anyway best to luck to whatever you do next in life.
:( Sorry to hear that, no need to feel bad, though. Hopefully in the future you'll find inspiration again. :)
Making maps isn't out of the realms of possibility. There's a lot of stuff that I've wanted to do for a while (some models, maybe a map or two) because I wanted to, but just haven't had the time or inclination.
Well if you ever have some time handy, please do us all a favor and fire up Hammer :P
:( Well all i can say is good luck and hope everything goes well for you. Was really looking forward to your game. You never know, maybe one day it will be resurrected.
Shame, shame :(

These things happen I guess. best of luck with whatever you intend to do.
darn :(
i was looking forward to this game.
oh well, good luck to u Pi and well...hopefully some day ur vision comes to life :)
can I give a suggestion:
I've always wanted an FPS with a realistic FOV, so that even when looking ahead, at the bottom of the screen you could see the rest of your body. And you wouldn't just see your gun in front of you, you'd see your arm, and your shoulder, etc. Although... chances are this is impossible until monitor dimensions are drastically rethought.
Um, great. Except I'm no longer actively involved in game development so your suggestion may be somewhat misplaced.
That sucks man

You still in the gaming business though?
I'm still involved in the mobile games business (including some nifty 3D stuff later this year), but that's all relatively small and easy stuff.

I'm considering going back to writing, as that's what I do best.
Journalistic writing or fictional writing? Or crazy man writing? You know, stuff that doesnt have structure nor make sense, or even follow a fathomable train of thought?
Fictional. I've had an idea for a novel that I've been kicking around for a few years. Now is as good a time as any to get it written down.
Add a ninja too it :D

Or add a prologue with absolutely nothing to do with the book. And add a ninja to that :D.

Then the first line of the book can be "Ok, now forget everything you've just read because it has nothing to do with this book at all". It'll work wonders :D

I swear

No, no,.............seriously.
I give you my respect.

To get your dream game done you pretty much need to money to fund the whole thing yourself. So sneaking into the game industry with the project of your dreams might not be the best of ideas.
writing is a lot of fun if you're good at it so give it your best shot i say...i think i have the talent for writing but i need guidance so i think i'll take up a writing course after i've done 3 years of film
Well shit, that really sucks man.. :(

It really is a pity that this game wont come to fruition, it looked as though it would have been great
Unlucky Pi. Well nevermind. On with the book, and more maps plskthnx =D
Too bad about the game, I was really looking forward to it, but it seems like this was the best thing to do. Struggling and fighting while losing more and more heart for the project would've shown in the final game.

Though, it'd be nice to see you make another kickass map, I'm thinking about getting into hammer too (the urban setting in CS_assault blew my mind).

If you do get started on that novel, good luck :)
What is happening with all the work that you and your friends have invested in the project thus far?
I'm keeping hold of it. That might seem a bit selfish, but I don't really see any benefit in releasing it - especially not if I ever want to revisit it later on. The ideas, concepts and storyline are all sound and won't age - they can be used at any time. The art assets will effectively go stale, and they're all pretty much tied into the story, so wouldn't be of much use to anyone.
Shame to hear that man, I would have loved to see even a tiny part of that vision of yours. Shame it wont be possible, but hey its not the end of the world, other oppertunity's idea's and visions will come. Glad to see that you had the courage to pull it out of development yourself, instead of letting it die in an oversaturated market.

Don't worry haha no one will think less of you haha :D

take care m8!