apparently male goo lowers blood pressure


May 19, 2003
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I can?t resist another plug for semen. It?s possible that male goo can lower blood pressure. Another recent study found that women who gave their men oral sex, and swallowed, had a lower risk of preeclampsia, the dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes accompanies pregnancy.

No, I?m not making this up. ?The present study shows that oral sex and swallowing sperm is correlated with a diminished occurrence of preeclampsia,? said the Dutch authors.

See? We told you it was good for you.

Along with 9 other reasons why sex is good for you:
well if da sexy ladies want to relax my pants are very open
women who gave their men oral sex, and swallowed, had a lower risk of preeclampsia, the dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes accompanies pregnancy.
Because if you swallow you don't get pregnant...
Dutch Authors. Why does this not surprise me \:D/

are dutch ver horny of what?

and isnt in denmark(is that the country right?sp?)where the "red light districts" where invented?
I saw something about "sin cities" about denmark and it looks like sex is not a taboo there
I thought South America was very liberated in those respects?
But can't chicks just get the nutritions that have that effect,that are in semen from normal food.
Bonjour Monseuir.

Enjoy your dish, Jizz al? pain.

Bon appetite!
Some girl at my school thought she was pregnant after swallowing some guy's spunk.

Furious lols ensued.
I have a good question.

How can I get in on these experimental trials and will the hot ladies be supplied to me, thx
hmmm... I wonder if it could be that girls who give head are a little bit more fun and carefree and less stressed out than girls that don't.
Lol at the semen findings, but am I the only one that can't even muster a smile at RJMC's posts?
Normally I don't...but that time just got me good.

I used to until it started being "the cool thing to do," now I don't even chuckle usually. He almost has the William Hung effect on me. Funny at first, then just starts to seem like a try-hard.

That one didn't make me laugh at first until I really processed it. Pretty funny.